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Whether it be Intermission Midnight Crew, or their Derse doubles from the Kids' session, it's time for some carapace fun.
That was the Midnight Crew in their normal state of being, the one where they performed heists and fought off gangs who thought they could take the Crew head-on with a relative army of people, not necessarily at midnight.
However, there was another part to it, one that they didn't often mention. It didn't need words. It was more of a hobby, something they collectively enjoyed (for a given value of enjoyment), and actually getting paid to play was more of a perk than anything else.
They were setting up on stage, and patrons were already crowding in. Even they'd been surprised by how people flocked to see them; they were a gang first and a jazz band second, after all.
"Your music is ( ... )
The world - or, at least, this small portion of it - held its breath...
They were violent mobsters with bloody minds and bloody hands, yes. But for a while, a series of interconnecting moments, they were a jazz band of extraordinary talent, and it was nice to get a break from the job now and then.
Even Slick showed some sort of enthusiasm for it, although it was hard to tell by the permanent scowl of concentration fixed on his face during the performance. Droog seemed vaguely pleased and in a better mood than usual, Deuce was cheerfully enthusiastic, and Boxcars, in his own way, was happy.
After the performance (and a few rousing encores, cheered on by the audience), they packed up and eventually headed off to applause, compliments and whistling.
"Think it was a good show?" Droog ventured mildly, as they stepped out into the dark.
"Just a ( ... )
sdfhga I CANNOT IMAGINE THEM AS A BIG HUGGY FAMILY, honestly. At all. At least if they weren't all drunk out of their minds that is. And even then they'd still probably be bitching at each other and elbowing each other in the face.
I always just imagined that even on a good day they'd still be arguing and pushing and shoving and occasionally giving each other a whack, it just doesn't go any further than that. They are never cuddly and huggy pfft.
I love this. So much.
All of the muchs Muches?.... ok that didn't work so well. You get the idea.
Seriously, I agree. I'm glad that they're all tightly wound, but yeah that they're having a good time and adgas.
I am grinning so hard right now.
i was just "holy shit this prompt I must write this." THE BEST PROMPT.
phew it's good to see I got them IC it's pretty much my biggest concern about EVERYTHING/ANYTHING I WRITE EVER, really. I tried to make them...idek bitchy as if that's pretty much the default for them because it really comes off as that in canon for me, but you know. it's FRIENDLY BITCHING or something.
I like this a lot a lot and you should write more forever okay.
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