seriously Tom.

May 17, 2005 00:55

Tommy Boy Arnold: i love slu
Tommy Boy Arnold: i just dont want to be stuck working for the rest of my life doing something i dont want to do just to pay off tuition at slu
WonderChkn: thats true
Tommy Boy Arnold: i dont want to become a robot
WonderChkn: you have any idea what you want to do?
Tommy Boy Arnold: no
Tommy Boy Arnold: i have no fucking idea
Tommy Boy Arnold: and here is why...
Tommy Boy Arnold: because i cant think of one thing that i can stand doing for the rest of my life...
Tommy Boy Arnold: i dont want to either
WonderChkn: right.
WonderChkn: thats just not you
Tommy Boy Arnold: i can think of things i would want to do for maybe like a little bit at a time
WonderChkn: yeah
Tommy Boy Arnold: but nothing permanent
Tommy Boy Arnold: like my ideal life right now would be....
Tommy Boy Arnold: become a firefighter for like 7 years, join the military for 8 years, join a seminary for like 7 years, and become a gym teacher/high school wrestling coach
Tommy Boy Arnold: for a while
WonderChkn: hmm...seminary? really?
WonderChkn: and what branch of military?
WonderChkn: (and ps, i really want to be a firefighter...and have for a while, if college doesn't work out for me thats what i'm planning on doing, and if college does work out for me i'm thinking about being a volunteer firefighter)
Tommy Boy Arnold: yea
Tommy Boy Arnold: seminary would be cool for a little while
Tommy Boy Arnold: i dont get it...
Tommy Boy Arnold: we only have one life. why do we have to pick ONE thing?
WonderChkn: because thats how society is.
Tommy Boy Arnold: fuck that
WonderChkn: well, thats how some people feel.
Tommy Boy Arnold: my a that i dont want to grow up
WonderChkn: haha. understandable. you'll do it when you're ready.
WonderChkn: you don't have to do it yet. you're still young
Tommy Boy Arnold: i dont ever have to
Tommy Boy Arnold: heh
WonderChkn: haha
Tommy Boy Arnold: i dont even care to get married
WonderChkn: eh. a lot of people don't. you don't have to get married.
WonderChkn: the thing is tom, sometimes things change in the future...people change their minds, or the way they feel about things change. but then again, not everyone does.
Tommy Boy Arnold: are you saying you look forward to being a robot?
WonderChkn: who said i would be a robot?
WonderChkn: if i decide to settle down in a job, with a wife and kids...who says thats being a robot?
Tommy Boy Arnold: it is!
WonderChkn: i dont think it would be tom. not for me. if i really enjoy my job then it won't be bad. and PT is not exactly a robot job. and getting married is something i think about often, i would like to settle down with one woman and have a family later in life
Tommy Boy Arnold: it is thought, you will go to college for the next 7 years thinking that its what you want to do. you will go into the "real world" aka "robot world" and find out that the job isnt exactly as enjoyable as you thought it would be. and if it is enjoyable, you will become sick of it after a few years, and be stuck doing it because it is the job you started out with and because you will have kids and a wife to support and you have to come home with some money.
WonderChkn: first off, i have only 4.5 more years of college. i'll come out with a doctorette in PT at the age of 23. i may not be married right out of college, i don't expect to be. supporting a family would be important, but chances are, my wife would also have a job. i wouldn't be the only one having an income. and you know what? i dont really think i'm going to get sick of PT, its the only thing i can see myself doing and enjoying for the rest of my life because there are so many different areas i can go into.
Tommy Boy Arnold: ok well here...
Tommy Boy Arnold: i will get sick of whatever i have to do
Tommy Boy Arnold: and thats what i know
WonderChkn: yeah. but thats you. thats not me, and thats not everyone.
WonderChkn: you dont ever have to setttle down
WonderChkn: settle
Tommy Boy Arnold: thats what i have been saying
Tommy Boy Arnold: i know
WonderChkn: but that doesnt mean that i wouldnt be okay settling down. and it doesnt mean that i would be a robot
Tommy Boy Arnold: well i consider it being a robot
WonderChkn: well then i guess i would be a robot to you
Tommy Boy Arnold: exactly
WonderChkn: you are frustrating.
Tommy Boy Arnold: heh
Tommy Boy Arnold: you are trying to change the way i think
WonderChkn: no, i'm telling you how i think.
WonderChkn: about me.
Tommy Boy Arnold: but thats not me
WonderChkn: i already said you dont have to settle down, if you dont want to.
WonderChkn: i know, i'm seperating you and i.
Tommy Boy Arnold: heh
Tommy Boy Arnold: ok
WonderChkn: ::laughs:: okay.
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