So I haven't updated in a few days. Thought I'd do that now. I have finals starting Monday. I'm nervous. Very, very nervous. Not in my Lit class...I've got an A in there. Probably a B in my writing class, and if I ever get motivated and do the extra credit, a B or A in humanities. No the class I'm nervous about is Ceramics. I'm terrified. I don't have quite all of my required pieces made, and have run out of time to make them. I don't think he's going to fail me, but I really NEED at least a B in that class. I'm hoping, but I won't know until Wednesday.
Other things. I finally got internet service at home, so I can actually get online. If anyone wants to chat, feel free to IM me at yahoo(PensacolaVamp) or AIM(PensacolaVamp) or just e-mail me at I use PensacolaVamp a lot...I play vampire the masquerade, and I live in Pensacola, so there ya go...of course I could also say its because I live in Pensacola and I'm a Vamp(other meaning, sexy, femme fatal type thing) so...either/or I guess.
Next semester I'm taking a speech class. I hate speech. but I have to take it if I want my degree, and I do, badly. I'll do ok in it though. the prof's a feminist, and I like her....we'll get along fine. I'm also taking ethics, philosophy of religion, and my fave, a jewelry class. I'm going to learn to do lost wax casting, stone setting, soldering, and some design. It should be fun. I've never done it before, but i try to take at least one class per semester that teaches me anew skill, but is also fun, and not study-intensive. This one should do that for me. Of course I'm going to be sweating it come May when its time to get my final grades, but I always do that with these creative type classes. It's hard to feel confidant in what you're doing and what the prof wants when you're doing it for fun, and are not an art major. Still, the grade is important to me as I need a decent GPA for what I want to do.
Well...getting a cell phone soon. Should have it Monday or Tuesday. This will be nice so I can talk to my friends and keep in touch even when I'm not glued to the computer screen.
Not much else...more later.