"Bitch," John muttered under his breath as the new head of the department stood up to dismiss the meeting. If they had to start hiring women, why couldn't it be some fashionable career girl who'd follow his advice, not this battleaxe who'd decided she could order him about like the ruddy Queen of England?
"Do we have a problem, Mr Crenshaw?" Mrs Pevensie asked with a gentle smile that stood in stark contrast to her eyes as she met his gaze and held it, and held it, and held it, until he looked down and away, shaking his head no.
If this is a crossover, it's not one where I know the other canon - but that honestly doesn't matter, because this is brilliant like brilliant!sauce ("and held it" eeeeeee) and I will love it forever.
So sorry, I could have sworn I replied to this! Its not a crossover. John just emerged, full-grown asshole, from my head like Athena from the forehead of Zeus. I'm glad you enjoyed!
The Law department has finally emerged from its mounds of paperwork, while Staffing & (Non-)Human Resources began reshuffling employees to optimal positions only just last week; Operations are running smoothly at last, with the lowest amount of setbacks the company has seen in years.
Next on the agenda: Ms. Susan Pevensie, new head of the Marketing department, presents her campaign proposal in an efficient and persuasive manner before clasping her hands to await approval by the board.
"I told you," comments old Mr. Aslan, CEO of the Narnia Corporation, with a sage nod, "I knew you Pevensies would turn things around for this company."
OH MY GOD. My hat is off to you, honored author person, my hat is off to you. (I lost it at the 'sage nod' bit, though 'Staffing & (Non-)Human Resources' was a close second.)
"Do we have a problem, Mr Crenshaw?" Mrs Pevensie asked with a gentle smile that stood in stark contrast to her eyes as she met his gaze and held it, and held it, and held it, until he looked down and away, shaking his head no.
Next on the agenda: Ms. Susan Pevensie, new head of the Marketing department, presents her campaign proposal in an efficient and persuasive manner before clasping her hands to await approval by the board.
"I told you," comments old Mr. Aslan, CEO of the Narnia Corporation, with a sage nod, "I knew you Pevensies would turn things around for this company."
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