One-shot: Flower

Jan 07, 2013 21:32

Title: Flower
Pairing: Jessica x Tiffany
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff
Word Count: 1,687 words
Summary: If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I'd be walking forever in a meadow.
A/N: Inspired by something kawaii my friend said.

“Where are we going?” Jessica huffed.

“You’ll find out soon!” Tiffany chimed, breaking into a sprint up a grassy hill.

Jessica groaned, readjusting her grasp on the large picnic basket that she was holding before slowly trailing behind Tiffany. The sky was a bright blue; clouds scattered and stretched about like cotton candy. The sun was high in the sky, shining light in all directions and pouring warmth everywhere. As far as Jessica was concerned, however, they were in the middle of nowhere. On a day off from work, she had innocently asked the younger girl if she wanted to eat out, but she hadn’t meant it literally when Tiffany spontaneously suggested a picnic at a surprise location. She turned her head back quickly, seeing the car that they arrived in was a mere dot at this point. Jessica whined to herself. It was going to be a long walk back.

When the brunette spotted the more eager girl standing on top of the hill with her arms akimbo, she inhaled sharply and mustered all the strength she could, trudging up the hill. She finally exhaled when she stood next to Tiffany, plopping the wooden basket on the grassy ground. However, she soon found herself gasping at the scenery in front of her.

An ocean of flowers stretched before her, as far as the eye could see. There was such a variety of colors that it appeared like a rainbow colored sea. A soft wind gently blew, raking the flowers so that they all lightly swooned in unison. Just as the wind passed the two girls, Jessica picked up the aromatic scent of sweetness and dew wafting about.

“Beautiful, right?” Tiffany inquired, facing the older girl with a cheeky smile.

“Yeah…” Jessica murmured, awe-struck.

With a slight giggle, Tiffany bent to grab the picnic basket in one hand, and then reached to grab Jessica’s hand with the other, pulling her along as they began to walk.

“Let’s go, then! There’s a nice shaded spot over this way.”

They walked along a trodden dirt path that cut through the field of flowers. Jessica looked left and right seeing the edges of petals and leaves barely graze their ankles. She perked her ears; there was a serene silence, not a sound to be heard except for the crunching of their feet on the ground. She then returned her attention to Tiffany. Despite seeing only her back, she could tell that the girl was smiling that dumb smile of hers; she walked with a bounce in her step as she swung their intertwined hands lightly about.



“This place is beautiful and all… but why are we here?”

Tiffany fell silent for a while, earning a quizzical look from Jessica. As they approached a large opening, the path began to widen, allowing for Jessica to stand next to Tiffany. The younger girl had her head tilted downwards, facing away from her. She noticed a pinkish hue from the angle she was observing, deeming it slightly abnormal of the girl. When they finally reached the opening, the path opened up to an area with a mixture of sandy dirt and patches of grass, shaded by a large and tall oak tree. They stood still at the edge of the area until Tiffany finally spoke up.

“You’re going to think I’m dumb… but I kind of had this thought long ago… that if I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I’d be walking forever in a meadow.”

Jessica watched as Tiffany peered up from the ground, looking at her with a small, but gorgeous smile.

“I just thought it would be nice if we could eat here, so I can only focus on you.”

The two girls stared at each other for a bit, before Jessica burst into a short laughter. The brunette lunged at the younger girl, planting a quick peck on her lips before saying,

“You’re so stupid.”

Registering the girl’s sudden actions, Tiffany looked at her with a cutely offended expression.

“Yah! Don’t just kiss me and then call me stupid!”

Jessica merely laughed, pushing a pouting Tiffany along as she claimed, “Whatever, let’s eat; I’m starving!”

And so, after setting up the picnic blanket and getting situated, the two girls feasted on a variety of delicacies, such as tuna sandwiches and neatly sliced strawberries and bananas. After eating, they spent a long time just lounging, enjoying the serenity of the environment.

The sun was low in the sky, some distance away from the horizon; the sky just barely had a tinge of orange. Jessica yawned as she watched Tiffany began packing up the various items on the blanket. Looking beyond, she scanned the area, seeing nothing but flowers and surrounding trees. However, she spotted something that she hadn’t noticed before: a greenhouse. Suddenly, an idea popped into her head.

Jessica sprung up from the ground, and quickly stated before breaking off into a jog,

“Could you pack up the stuff, Fany-ah? I’m going to go see something.”

“Jessi, wait-where are you-it’s not like you were helping in the first place!”

“I’ll meet you back at the car!”

Jessica huffed and puffed as she strode down a hidden, small path. It winded around a cluster trees, preventing from Tiffany to see her. It took a couple of minutes until she arrived at the greenhouse out of breath. From afar, the greenhouse looked small and cozy. Though small, it actually appeared neglected and abandoned, several windows broken and the wooden edges rotten. She observed the structure for a while, making the motion to turn around when something on the ground caught her attention.

At the edge of a flower patch was a bright pink pansy, the petals tipped with white and the center contained a vivid gold. Jessica’s mouth was slightly agape at such a beautiful spectacle, crouching to get a closer look. She gently ran her fingers over the petals; they were fragile and soft. She looked at the bushel of leaves at the end of the flower’s stem, and considered pulling out the flower, but she knew that such a hasty act would kill the flower. Jessica looked towards the greenhouse, straightened up, and cautiously approached the building.

There was no door, so Jessica merely peered through the doorway. Just as the image suggested outside, the inside was abandoned and neglected. The wooden tables were rotten and the shelves were crooked and cracked. However, she spotted a small clay pot in good condition and a trowel. Jessica quickly grabbed the required items and returned to the pansy. Bending down, she thrust the trowel deep into the dirt and carefully extracted the flower from the ground and placed it delicately into the pot.

Satisfied with her handiwork, she jogged her way back down the path and towards the car, holding the pot with a firm grasp. Several minutes passed when she arrived back at the car. Jessica had originally approached the car cautiously, wanting to keep the potted plant a secret from Tiffany. However, seeing said girl sound asleep in the passenger seat, she managed to stow it away in a secure area in the back. Closing the car door behind, Jessica started the car and drove towards home.


Weeks passed, and Tiffany noticed a peculiar change in Jessica’s behavior. To point out the obvious, there was a new plant in Jessica’s room that she didn’t remember the girl buying, the pot resting on the windowsill next to the girl’s bed. She hadn’t judged it much, since it probably was just a decoration item, and considering that she never considered Jessica to have much of a green thumb that she would eventually let the plant die. However, the situation was much different.

Jessica cared for the plant like it was a baby; she kept a petite watering can right next to the pot, watering it with an affectionate expression on her face. There was also some recent purchases of expensive soil and fertilizer bags; the girl had even bought some books on personal gardening.

Tiffany walked into Jessica’s room one day, seeing the brunette on her bed, watering the flower from where she sat. Despite the display being serene and lovely, she felt a pang of slight jealousy.

Leaning against the door’s frame, she muttered, “You know, seeing you look at that flower the same way you look at me makes me feel a little bit neglected…” She managed to finish the sentence off with an exaggerated pout.

Jessica briefly glanced at her, giggling a bit as she set the watering can down on the windowsill. She readjusted her position so that she splayed herself across the bed, arms stretched in the air. Tiffany took the gesture as an invitation, closing the door behind her as she approached the bed. She rolled onto the bed, the mattress creaking as the two girls shifted in their positions for maximum comfort. Tiffany found her face pressed against the dip of Jessica’s collarbone, her arms snaking around the older girl’s waist. Inhaling, she caught the scent of the sweet flower.

“Do you know where I got the flower?” Jessica whispered, gingerly intertwining her fingers into Tiffany’s hair as she rested her head on the bend of her other arm.

She felt the motion of a shaking head against her chest, and continued.

“I got it from the meadow that we visited, when you weren’t looking.”

Jessica looked up to the pot. The sun was shining brightly through the window, the pansy’s pink petals translucent from the sun’s beam.

“And I thought about what you said…about how if you had a flower for every time you thought of me, you’d be in a meadow…”

She felt something damp press against the ridge of her collarbone, earning a quiet purr.

“But… I thought, why not just keep one flower?”

Jessica pulled her hand out of Tiffany’s locks, using it to push stray hairs away from her forehead. She then leaned close and placed a light kiss on the delicate skin.

“Because I’m always thinking of you.”


So um, yeah... it's been a while lol. Sorry if it's not any good, I just had the spontaneous need to write this. Also, not that I was already on a hiatus, but this wil maybe he last thing you'll see from me for a while, because I'm going to be writing a chaptered fic. \o/ I refuse to write anything else until I finish it, so hopefully my willpower will let me finish it fast. :P

Anyways, penny for your thoughts?

one-shot, pairing: jessica/tiffany, rating: g, genre: fluff, fanfics

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