
Aug 15, 2014 17:04

Okay, so. I'm asking for help, here u_u ( Read more... )

general rambling

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Comments 23

ely_baby August 15 2014, 16:29:14 UTC
Io posso aiutarti solo con le communities di HP.. >.> Sono mono-fandomica (ah, esiste davvero quella terribile parola ( ... )


caranil August 15 2014, 17:03:03 UTC
Come hai fatto a rimanere in un solo fandom? Da un lato ti invidio, molte meno otp dietro alle quali morire, ma dall'altro vorrei esortarti a correggere le tue vie, che trovo profondamente sbagliate u_u (no, sul serio, il fandom di Sherlock è bellissimo)

E wow, quante +___+ tutte sconosciute, tranne samhain_smut che è l'amore. Vado a farmi un giro, ma sembrano tutte un sacco interessanti! Grazie mille <3



ely_baby August 15 2014, 17:07:12 UTC
Prego! :D

Ah, non lo so come sono riuscita a rimanere in un solo fandom per 11 anni. Ho avuto una breve escursione in The Hunger Games se la cosa ti fa stare meglio.. :D

Sono contenta di esserti stata utile. Hai intenzione di partecipare a qualche fest? xx


caranil August 15 2014, 17:18:01 UTC
11 anni? Wow. È taaaanto tempo! Quante fic orribili devi aver letto XD

Ecco, THG è uno dei pochi fandom nei quali non mi sono quasi per nulla avventurata. Figurati che scrissi una flashfic su Foxface qualche anno fa ed è ancora sul pc nella cartella delle work in progress XD

Samhain_smut mi sta chiamando. A voce alta. Pretende la mia partecipazione. Sto cercando di resistere perché a ottobre ho un paio di esami con l'uni >.> ma quasi sicuramente parteciperò allo smutty_claus!


tamlane August 15 2014, 17:06:43 UTC
ely_baby ti ha dato suggerimenti fantastici, tutti! Specialmente crack_broom, potterfests, e quibbler_report.

Provi hp_darkarts per darkfic e weasleycest per sai cosa, ma il secondo non è molto attivo . E puoi trovare fics dirtywrong attraverso le tags a hp_cestfest, nextgendarkfest, hprarefest

E a volte visito le pagine friends dei miei amici per vedere cosa guardano. xx


caranil August 15 2014, 17:14:13 UTC
Oh Gods there's a community dedicated to the weasleycest. Okay. *fans self* no, really, I'm fine, I'm not dying here.

I still didn't work out how to see my friends' friends page. But oh well I'll make it somehow.

So many wonderful comms *.*

And yet, I feel like a crossgen kinkmeme is missing. Does it exist or are we sadly deprived from it?

Btw your Italian is really good! How/when/where did you learn it?


tamlane August 15 2014, 17:54:51 UTC
LMAO! That was my pretty much my reaction as well.

The friends' friends page is a paid account feature, but if you don't have a paid account, you can just stalk your friends' friends pages individually. ;)

Ah, I'm still learning! I never had any formal training in it. I just learned the basics and then read lots and lots and lots of Wiki entries.


caranil August 15 2014, 18:05:28 UTC
It's sad that it's so inactive, though :( MOAR WEASLEYCEST FOR EVERYONE!

Uh, yes, I don't have a paid account, I was referring to the individual friends' friends pages, which I couldn't find a way to see because I'm a noob, basically XD

Well, if you're "still learning" I wish I was half as good as you in my Japanese self-teaching XD


digthewriter August 15 2014, 17:15:54 UTC
If you're into slash or femmeslash: hogwarts365 - we encourage you to write for us.

hprare_cliche did valentine's day rare pair fest last year, we might do it again this year.

hp_drizzle is going to start posting on Sept 1st and there's gonna be some rare pairings there, too!

There's also hp_crossgenfest that is going to start posting in Oct. I think...


caranil August 15 2014, 17:22:55 UTC
Oh, those are perfect. I'm gonna be writing for all of them, I hope! Every single one of your suggestions seems perfect. Thank you thank you thank you <3


sigyn_medea August 17 2014, 10:47:11 UTC
"And everything mythology"? *puppy eyes*

... 'cause I happen to have started this little Norse Myths kinkmeme, if you're interested. Right now it's just me and my friend posting, so I'm kinda spamming it everywhere... ^^
Now I have problems linking it because I'm on a phone that's not even mine, but you can find the links to both the English and the Italian version in the sidebar in my lj. ^-^


caranil August 17 2014, 11:13:19 UTC
Oh gods, yes, thank you!

I am dreadfully ignorant on almost every Norse myth that doesn't concern Loki, but I promise I won't write on what I don't know.

Thanks for the spam, it was appreciated! I'll go and join right now <3


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