Title: The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes [Chapter 7]
Author: carcrashheart_8
Pairings: Ohmiya, Sakuraiba, SakuMoto, JunToshi, JunMa [Jun/Toma], mentionings of TomaPi, MatsuMiya
Rating: R [language and sexual situations]
Summary: Nino and Aiba are roommates who each have seemingly happy relationships with their boyfriends, Ohno and Sho. However,
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Comments 24
I know he was a total jerk but man...Jun was awesome!! Total hotness.
But I'm glad everything worked out fine.
Thanks so much for this fic!!
I had NO idea you had finished it!
No wonder I had exams while you updated!
Okay, I know it's random cause I still couldn't start the re-read but I was just sooooo excited, I HAD to say something :D
I just stopped visiting Jent and completely missed the update.
It's a miracle I actually found it...How DID I find it?
But anyway....I really liked the end.
I love fics with LOTS of problems because it's fun when they're solved. And this one was A LOT OF FUN!
Thanks for this XD
It was so funny and smart!
Loved the fights between Matsumiya!
Soooooo refreshing!
But I almost dying by Ohno's betrayal... So mean...
But, yeah... Nino had already broke up so... technically it wasn't really cheating, was it?
Anyway, they got back and it was wonderful!
Loved a lot!
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