Description A pass-it-on style challenge where you write based on song prompts!
Provide a song for the next person to be inspired by. As with any musical inspiration challenge, you may be inspired by the lyrics of the song, the mood of the song, the visual style of the accompanying music video, etc.
To make a claim, make a new comment to the challenge post stating your claim. You can then edit your comment to include your work or you can delete your previous comment and make a new one with your fic/fill.
Be sure to post all comments for points as new threads, not as replies to other comments. It might be helpful to refresh the page before and after commenting to ensure that no one claimed a second before you did.
Fills should be a minimum of 50 words, but they can be more.
You have 2 hours to write a minimum of 50 words before your claim is forfeited. (You can always go back and edit to add more words after the 2 hours if you want.)
Please wait to make a claim until the person before you is done. See
previous pass-it-on challenges if you need to see an example how a challenge like this works.
Points You can earn a total of 61 points.
(10 points for every fill of a minimum of at least 50 words) 5 fills = 50 points.
(5 points each for reading/commenting on someone else's fill) up to 2 comments = 10 points
(+1 for sigtag when submitting)
Due Date May 1, 2017 at Midnight.
Submitting Submit your fic or a link to your fic to this post using the following form:
Title: (optional)
Fandom: Characters/Pairing(s):Rating: Warnings: (if any)
If you have any questions, please ask in the questions thread below.