I thought I'll just take some time and reply to the reviews (those which might need it) for Change and Inevitable so far :) After all, I really do appreciate you guys taking your own time in commenting my amateurish writing.
I'm trying not to have my LJ 'feel' too lengthy, so I'll keep them under a little lj-cut.
Silent Sage - Yeah, it would actually seem that they're closer. I still find them a little, somewhat, distant compared to even Mikan towards Sumire sometimes. But they're just so polite and darn quiet to eachother that sometimes I forget :) Glad you pointed that out, I'll work on that next time!
To everyone else - Haha, I know I'm just being cheap now, but I really am grateful for your comments. And we just know how absolutely adorable Gakuen Alice is. I swear, it's drilling poor cavities in my teeth. I hope I haven't disappointed you guys too much on Inevitable (or rather, the how boring it is at the moment). But I'll try to hurry and get to the bits where it may be a tad-bit more interesting to read :D Thanks for the support, ne?~
JayHun - Promising? Heheh, as I said, I can thoroughly admit that the first chapter has got to be one of the most un-compelling first chapters I've written x_x Guess I should have thought through the first one a bit more. But for the rest of the story, it's pretty much planned. Hope you come back for more anyway xP
Silent Sage - Gosh, I could marry you! You sickenly modest writer! Come on, boast! I love your writing, you know? ^_~ So get that Gakuen Alice one-shot done so I can drool and drool some more.
Akuma-sama - Did the ending really make you jump? Haha, the ending for the second chapter will have a larger part to do with the 'turning point' of the story. You'll have to see, and I'll have to get those out for you to see! xP
DarkPegasiKnight - Yep! Luca is 'Ruka'. Luca is actually the correct spelling for his name as referenced by many of Tachibana's artworks (those with his name on it anyway) and volume 7.5. 'Ruka' is merely the Japanese pronounciations for English words such as 'Luca', since they neither have 'Lu' or 'ca' in their alphabet. Sorry for the confusion :) But yes, that is indeed Luca.
To everyone else - Can't you already sense the cheapness coming? xP Thanks for taking the time to read Inevitable, and I'll be trying hard to get that next chapter out soon! I'm crossing my fingers, hoping that this next chapter doesn't turn out to be a disappointment. I couldn't keep pushing myself like this if I didn't readers like you guys :)
Now... Regarding my progress on those said writings. Well, truthfully, I've been writing a ton of little snippets, anything notable that finds its way into my head.
Specifically, I've been writing a XXXHOLiC (or at least I think, I'm not quite sure what series to classify this at the moment) drabble which is starting to turn out like a one-shot. There're also two particular Hikaru no Go plot bunnies I want to carry out-one sprung from most insane thought, and the other might turn out quite subtly fluffy. Not sure yet, I still need to write them :P
And where Gakuen Alice is concerned... I have been slowly accumulating words for chapter 3 of Inevitable (I wrote, er- half-a-page last night). Though whenever I have the time, I would like to pop a few more of those 'positions of a race' drabbles (I might even write enough to turn it into one tiny one-shot, one can only hope).
When I think that that's not all... I really have been just itching to write a darn Natsume x Luca fluff! And I'm seriously going to explode if I don't milk some subtle shounen-ai out of those two cuties T_T
Thus, a bit more waiting will be needed :)
Sorry, I'm really just everywhere when it comes to commiting to a project. But as we all know, commitments are just too hard.