Updated: 28/04/2010
♠ - Things to remind him of why he enjoys being a Noah.
♞ - Traitor-ish instances, thoughts and relationships.
✗ - Neutral on the traitor scale, but significant to his view for some reason or other.
♞ Friendship and respect forming with
latenightmoon and
notpapa both of whom he should really be trying to kill, but finds himself genuinely liking in a casual way.
♞ Meeting
beautifulalias and finding out the shit that's been done to her. Noah are supposed to be BETTER than that crap.
♞ Seeing glimpses of how happy
brambleroad is with Allison. Slight jealousy/longing.
♠ Encountering certain Exorcists,
albatrossdancer and those who are too quick to judge.
hedonisticwoman gets her own tag on why it's GOOD TO BE A NOAH. That's some hot hot hotness right there.
♞ Serious conversations (AIM based) with CV!Allison that make him think and question.
♞ Talking with Alex (AIM based) and having Joyd too active in his head.
♠ Rhode. Most versions of her remind him what he enjoys about slaughter. What he likes about his black side. He genuinely cares for her, but
dreamsofnoah has a special place in his heart, and
falltomadness makes him worry. If he should betray, what becomes of the family he does genuinely care for?
demoneyewisdom and most Cyrils. Like Rhode they're family, unlike Rhode he's not sure why he cares for them. But while he does care, he'd rather get away from them.
♞ Many threads
here had him helping humans or Exorcists to escape and survive. He found he didn't mind it. In the threads with
forwhomittolls and
normal_really he ended up owing his life to them at least once (though he did his own share as well.) With
inerto and
silver_treasure he helped them despite them being liabilities. In the case of Ease, he is still trying to protect his friend from the truth. With
forwhomittolls they shared some mutual pretty heavy trauma.
♠ Like above, he also had family he encountered.
failingfelicity and
solo_insanity especially backed him up and reminded him how good it feels to fight along side one of the clan.
♞ In the memory room he and
halfcocked were stuck together. He witnessed some of Devit's traitor feelings, and determined to see if he could help the other, if it were ever required.
♠ x10 Getting Exorcised by
normal_really and subsequent death at the hands of
dreamsofnoah. Oddly it was his death at Road's hands as much as Allen's actions that solidified his loyalty.
♞ His continued friendship with Allison hasn't waned since he arrived, and has gotten to the point where he is openly honest with her most of the time, where he would not be with most anyone else. Even at times when he'd even rather not be honest with her. Though he's bitter about his Exorcism, he still cares for her.
He's firmly a traitor now. Beginning with
talking to Bird when she was kidnapped he actually obeyed her wishes and went to Exorcists for help, instead of Road or even the Earl.
Allison gave him two items of importance when he did. A tech-device that can block Wisely and a key to the timeways of her own world, giving him access to her world any time he needs it. He has yet to use it for anything but meeting the "Keepers" of her world's timeways.
Later he
promised Devit to try and think of a way to get them both out of being lackey's of the Earl without getting killed for it, and maybe still able to interact with family.
Finally, on the beach with Solo, the two men
made a pact to get out of the DR and find a new world, to make their own rules. They want to rewrite the laws of the DR, the ones like losing memories or only being able to return to one's original world.
He intends to grab Devit and take him along whenever he and Solo make their move. He also plans to use the key Allison gave him if their plan fails, he'd rather drag them all to her world to regroup then face whatever price the DR, and the Earl, might force on them if their attempt does not succeed. He doesn't plan to share his backup plan unless it's actually needed.
These events combined have put him firmly in the category of traitor, though he sure as hell isn't advertising it. His thoughts on family remain the same, he cares for them and is apprehensive especially about Road and somewhat about Cyril. If he thought he could, he'd bring Road with him and into his confidence. He plans to at least come clean to her before they leave, but he just hasn't figured out how.
Not to self, go dig up the damn threads and stop being lazy. One of these days.
Edited: 30/07/2010
Stuff I underplay, might not be immediately apparent, or in general is headcanon or crosses my mind when playing Tyki. Also things relating to his heel face turning. Because obviously tl;dr is what everyone wants! A work in progress.
Miscellaneous headcanon and quirks:
As I play him he still has a very distinctly dualistic nature. I see his base nature as his white side, the lazy, easy going, bantering man who can relax and chill with humans or really anyone, in relative comfort. The black side I consider to be mainly his Noah, mixed with some baser human instincts, combining to create the vicious and blood thirsty impulses that he is in fact quite happy to go along with. The grey area I often play him in is somewhere between the two, not immediately blood thirsty, easy going on the surface but honestly most of that killer instinct is lurking just below the surface waiting for the scent of blood.
In Tyki's case the triggers for his Noah are the presence of Innocence (he's learned to suppress this well by necessity in the DR), someone completely helpless and scared, running away, a challenge. Any of these, and probably others I've forgotten, will make him pounce for the kill. The difference between his "hunt/kill" and his "fight/kill" instincts would be his desire to destroy and his desire for a thrill. Something that triggers his "hunt/kill" instinct, like
normal_really's depression or
beautifulalias's fear of him is something that he views as weak and in need of elimination. He doesn't think much on it, it's a casual thing when it's over with.
Innocence and a strong opponent trigger his desire to fight, his love of a challenge and his blood lust more strongly.
latenightmoon is an example of someone who triggers this, and he wants to fight her so badly it hurts to control the impulse, at times. It's a double whammy of Innocence and a strong opponent. Oddly, though he has trouble controlling his impulses at times, for the most part, when he wants to, he is actually fairly good at restraining himself. So much so, that it's hard to tell he's actually restraining himself. I don't actually show this much, but he's had far more impulses to kill people then he's followed up on, which I suppose is a credit to the human side of his nature, who actually enjoys his friends and isn't that thrilled with ripping them to shreds for the fun of it.
Even his human side is still fairly apathetic to blood and slaughter, however, if the corpses left behind aren't anyone close to him.
While I may not overtly state "HE'S THINKING HOW FUN IT WOULD BE TO KILL X" or "HE'S TRYING TO HIDE SOMETHING" or "THAT ACTUALLY KIND OF HURT" or anything along those lines when tagging, either in prose or otherwise, clues you can look out for are him fishing around for cigarettes, lighting up, or if he's already smoking, taking deep drags and being silent for a moment or two. He's actually incredibly indirect for the most part, and catching out what he really thinks and feels is difficult and requires direct, often repeated, attempts to pry it out of his avoidant and evasive tactics. Even when direct, he is rarely forthright with everything he's thinking, and there's a lot beneath the surface that only usually manifests in body language, most often, again, having to do with getting a nicotine fix. Other vices that he uses to suppress himself, to cover his own thoughts, or to escape from thinking entirely would be alcohol and sex (yes I don't play ships, he still gets it on with nameless NPCs.)
Along the lines of his tendency to turn traitor:
He doesn't want to join the Exorcists. He doesn't want to be rid of Joyd. Both of these are simply anathema to him, he wouldn't consider them, they haven't even crossed his mind. He doesn't hate the family, in fact he enjoys being a Noah. He likes having two sides of life, and he doesn't want to give up either.
He'd pretty sure he can't have his cake and eat it too, though. And he'll have to choose--or rather he's beginning to wonder if he has a choice. And if he does have a choice, he's not sure which way to jump. He's from after the Ark but not too much after. Joyd's taking over his mind and he knows it. He hates the idea of it, but again, he would be horrified at the thought of losing Joyd or not having his Noah side any more. At the same time he doesn't want to give up being human, and he's holding on to that tooth and nail.
His basic conflict is not a dislike of the family, but too much attachment to his human side, and a stubborn refusal to give it up without a fight. He still thinks it's okay to be a murderous psychopathic bastard and a caring human friend at the same time, if you play it right. He likes the challenge.
The other problem is he's rather fond of the world, his world. People are fun, both as friends and victims of his playfully homicidal urges. There's booze, gambling, women who aren't related to him, a whole world to wander and see, a human 'family' of sorts to balance his evil side. He doesn't actually want to see it all disappear. He doesn't want to save the world, but if it's destroyed that's hardly as amusing as if it's still around. He's got no real problem with Akuma weeding out most of the weaklings, when he's thinking black, but when he's thinking white he's aware that Ease and co. are weaklings, as are any number of chance encounters that he may have grown fond of. Destroying the world just isn't entertaining. He doesn't want to do it. But he doesn't want to betray the family, and he even more importantly doesn't want to throw his lot in with the Vatican and the Order.
Allison has introduced to him, however, the idea of being his own side, supporting neither and hindering neither. Intellectually this appeals to him, but practically he knows it's a very unlikely idea. The Order won't tolerate a rogue Noah, and the Noah Clan takes very badly to traitors, he's aware of a very With Us or Against Us philosophy in the family. He can't help bringing the idea up every now and again anyway though, just to see if he can figure out a way it might actually work, even though he knows it wouldn't.
Oddities about Joyd:
This is pure headcanon but Tyki invariably seems to have one of two reactions when he meets another Noah of Pleasure/carrier of Joyd. And only applies to Joyd. Versions of himself that are Exorcists don't evoke the same reaction, and people with Joyd who aren't him do evoke it. Just as
halfcocked theorizes that all Bonds memories react to each other in some way, I think, from how Tyki seems to react to other people with Joyd in their head, that Pleasure senses Pleasure.
So how does Tyki react? It's always, always, attraction or hostility. He wants to fuck them or kill them, and considering Tyki enjoys killing those reactions aren't actually as dissimilar as they might at first appear. Almost always the female versions of Pleasure he meets he finds attractive and would sleep with. Some he ends up in more sibling type relationships with, like CV!Miranda, but on some level the attraction is still there. Male versions of Pleasure he tends to find he wants to kill. And if not kill, there's an edge to his interactions with them. Something that, if not outright hostile, is very much bordering on it. He might even like male versions of Pleasure, but the desire to kill them is still there, somewhere. This could be because he can't accept the thought of being attracted to men sexually, so the desire turns to violence, which to Tyki is interchangeable in terms of fun. The one exception is
solo_insanity but given the number of memories in Solo's head, it's understandable that the reaction isn't quite the same.
How treasonous is the traitor?:
Though I say he's a traitor, that's not exactly the right word for it. More accurately, Tyki is a defector. This doesn't mean he hasn't done a few things that are pretty damn treasonous (most notable is warning
notpapa about the Earl's plans to link the worlds--something he knew and counted on Bookman passing on to the Exorcists) but each instance of actual treason has been motivated by self-interest and not some dedication to the higher good. Certainly not any love for the Exorcists in general. Again the example with Bookman; he informed the man in hopes that the Exorcists can keep the Boss from reaching the other worlds he himself wants to have access to. His only reason for wanting the Earl to fail is because the Earl succeeding will mess up his own plans--otherwise he wouldn't care at all about the Earl linking the worlds and destroying them all.
In reverse, should Tyki find any Exorcists plotting something that would be either ruinous to his own plans or deadly for the Noah, he would inform the Earl right away about it.
His first priority is and will always be himself; and by extension Solo, Road and to a lesser degree, Devit. Anything that interferes with his plans and goals, whatever side it comes from, he'll do his best to cockblock.
Now if the DR were to erupt into war tomorrow, he'd pick the Noah side. He wouldn't even think about it. He has friends with the Exorcists, quite a few, he's even slightly in love with one (as much as someone as self-centered as he is can experience love, and that's a whole other essay) and he quite genuinely enjoys the company of many of them. But if the Earl or the Countess rallied the Noah and declared Us or Them, well, he'd pick family, hands down. Because that's where he belongs. All the people that matter as much to him as he matters to himself (quite a feat) are all family. Even those not involved with the escape plan that he cares for more than most tend to be family--Miranda, Miss Tyki, Cyril--they mean something to him, far more than the Exorcists, even the ones he really really likes, ever could.
That's if war were declared. But what about as things stand? He's actually fought and killed another Noah in assisting with Bird's rescue. And he can hardly distinguish sides or factions anymore; eleven months in the DR and "exorcist vs Noah" means so little to him that it's almost a foreign phrase. He still hates Innocence, it's still a struggle not to attack or kill anyone wielding it--every time--but at this point he's so used to it, and the faces of allies and supposed enemies are so interchangeable with the different worlds, that he takes each person individually, for the most part. That doesn't mean he doesn't generalize; Allen Walkers will always have his interest, even if it's peppered with more resentment and underlying hate because of
normal_really, Kitchen Knife will always be fun to provoke, though due to
lastnightswish he's found Kandas in general more intriguing, and he can at least semi-distinguish one or two now. Other versions of himself still fall into "interesting" or "tosser" category. Sometimes both at once until he really gets to know them. Cyril's always a perverted sicko no matter what. Road is always able to make him care. Things like that.
But the plain fact is, while he still considers himself one of the Noah family, he's forgotten a bit what that's supposed to mean. Oh it's still there, but with the lackadaisical atmosphere about the conflict back home being carried on in the DR, and the sheer weirdness of different worlds, along with his development in the DR, he doesn't actually think about himself as being on one side or the other. And he probably will continue to find his definitions blurring unless something changes his perspective or forces him to pick a side, or otherwise reminds him that technically he is on one side of a war that half the people he pals around with are on the other side of.
More to come later.