Challenge 01: Advent Calendar

Nov 30, 2014 08:23

posting a little early because people might want to think about this challenge.

Description Create 24 days worth of surprises. Because not everyone is in winter or celebrates christmas, these do NOT have to be winter or christmas themed. You can theme them if you want, but the theme is up to you.

Surprises could include the following:
- Created works (an icon, a drabble, a tumblr graphic, vid, mini-mix whatever)
- a Game for your flist to participate in
- Resources
- Recommendations for books, fic, graphics, websites etc
- Anything else that might bring someone joy and/or excitement

You can post your advent in one post, or if you like over 24 posts to your flist/tumblr/whatever and provide a link to the tag. Whatever works for you, but Please include in your comment below if you completed all 24 items. Partial points will be awarded. You can mix and match surprises.

Points 5 points per surprise, up to 120 points
Due Date 24th of December
Submitting Submit here, to this post. If you have any questions please ask in the “questions thread” below.

challenge 01

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