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Comments 10

livejournal December 18 2016, 05:27:52 UTC
Hello! Your entry got to top-25 of the most popular entries in LiveJournal!
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teaotter December 18 2016, 05:30:13 UTC
How does this happen when there are no actual comments on the page yet? Are a ton of people dropping by, saying "whoops! That's not what I thought this was!" and backing out hastily?


ama_ranth_827 December 23 2016, 02:18:51 UTC
Haha I was wondering the same thing! That is probably it though LOL ;)


seraphina_snape December 18 2016, 13:37:43 UTC
Yay! There are so many wonderful entries - well done everyone! ♥


teaotter December 18 2016, 20:28:06 UTC
Your sigtags are so beautiful! The images are pretty, but what really blows me away is your text work. It's so polished!


seraphina_snape December 18 2016, 20:56:15 UTC
Thank you! I always struggle with the text, so that's good to hear!

I love all your northern lights sig tags! I hope I'll get to see them in person at some point, but for now those sig tags are a nice (and colourful) alternative! *g*


larmay December 18 2016, 21:57:07 UTC
I agree with teaotter
Very nice sigtags :)


larmay December 18 2016, 21:54:42 UTC
WOW!!! Really great work, everyone :))) *thumbs up*


ama_ranth_827 December 23 2016, 02:19:37 UTC
Great work to all! Yay for all the points for Team Diamonds, you guys really rock! Thanks for putting in the effort! :D WOOT WOOT!!!


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