application | helheims_gate

May 01, 2010 00:17

Name: Malathyne
Age: 19; upcoming birthday is in August
Contact Info:
Journal: spiralstarfall
Personal IM: ThineMalathyne
In-Character IM: zer0card

Name: Souji Seta
Age: 17
Clan: Huglyor; although Souji can hold his own in battle, he isn't aggressive, instead being more prone to wanting to talk things out rather than fight.
Physical Description: Short pale hair, gray eyes, roughly six feet tall. He has a simple face and average body type, though proportion-wise he has a lot of leg. Although Souji doesn't exactly stand out in the crowd, there is something about him that draws the eye -- something unseen, but very there nonetheless. Maybe it's something about the lanky grace, or the way that every motion and gesture seems easy but calculated, or maybe it has something more to do with his calm, open expression. It isn't so much that he wears his heart on his sleeve as much as he simply doesn't have anything to hide.

Souji doesn't wear anything fancy, just the typical dress for a Viking boy: woolen shirt, trousers, jerkin. Sometimes he'll wear a coat when the weather starts to get cold, and he'll "upgrade" his boots from shin- to knee-high. His parents being traders, he's got some nice fur things -- boots, gloves, so on -- but not a lot of the expensive dyed fabrics.

Personality: Souji isn't anti-social or even socially awkward -- Quiet is just his default. Because he's so quiet, it's often assumed that he's shy and/or he doesn't have a sense of humor... which is quite wrong, so when he opens his mouth and drops a joke, it usually catches people off-guard. He would describe himself as a regular guy, but any of his friends would say that there's something more to him that they can't quite put their fingers on.

Despite the fact that he doesn't always reach out first to others, he has a natural ability to connect with people. He's a listener, he's an observer, he can empathize well, he's honest and open. Although he sees and understands the complexity of issues -- like life and people -- he speaks in calm, even tones and has a way with words that allows him to speak simply and cut to the heart of the matter. Add in an ability to keep his head in situations where others panic, and his leadership capabilities shine through. It isn't typically something one would expect from someone so quiet and -- frankly -- ignorable, but it is the essence of who he is.

Souji is also patient, observant, and intelligent (though he has his derp moments like the rest of us). He takes in what he sees and processes things in his mind, going over the information over and over again in ways that would drive other people mad from the repetition -- but in this way, he is very thorough, and he tries his best to comb through what he knows to make sure he's not missing anything. He then tries to come to the best conclusion he can from what he figures out, and he isn't afraid to admit that he doesn't know something.

He has a surprising amount of self-control, but it can be easy to miss due to the ease with which he acts. Still waters not only run deep, but also hide strong currents. Even those who grow close to him don't necessarily see all the thoughts and emotions underneath the calm leader his friends come to know. He is human, just like anyone else, but he keeps his problems to himself -- that is to say, he doesn't directly turn to other people for support. As he observes other people and helps them work out their problems, he works out his own at the same time, so it seems as though he doesn't have any inner struggles to the outsider.

He is trying to understand the truth of life and people and himself, struggling to understand the truth of not just friendship, but all relationships. As mentioned before, it isn't that he's not friendly or anti-social -- although he doesn't always reach out to make new friendships, he has a tendency to make bonds with most of the people he meets. He has a tendency to keep to himself, but when the situation calls for it, he will step forward and put his foot down. He will make a stand for his friends, as they are all important to him, each and every one.

Strengths/Abilities: Shhhhh, but Souji's actually a pretty good cook. He can also take care of a household pretty well, considering his parents are gone so much. Best waifu is best. Souji also has an eerie knack for being able to understand dragons. This comes from canon, as well; when the fox at the shrine tries to communicate with him, he somehow manages to understand what it wants, after a bit of trial and error. He will seem like he simply has an innate ability that helps him figure out what they're trying to say, even if no one else gets it. Oh, and Souji, being an only child, has figured out ways to entertain himself during menial tasks; while folding envelopes for a part-time job in canon, the game offers Souji the option to "make up a song about folding." Who comes up with that stuff? Seriously.
Weaknesses: Compulsory urges to eat things that he really shouldn't, like grass and science projects and moldy miso soup. Souji's habit of keeping his inner thoughts and turmoils to himself can be considered a "weakness," as can his tendency to live more for his friends than for himself. Also, despite how strong his stomach seems to be, it does have its limits (see: Chie and Yukiko's cooking).

History: Souji's parents are inter-clan traders -- that is to say, they take goods from one clan to the other clans. As such, they leave for long periods of time to travel from clan to clan, making deals and trying to get everyone to cooperate. When Souji was born, his mother stayed in Huglyor, but she was restless before too long. As soon as Souji was old enough to take care of himself, she began to travel with his father again, leaving Souji as a kind of latchkey kid. The rest of the village helped him out, too, of course, but he still adapted to independence at a fairly early age.

Souji has been learning to work with the sheep and goats, since his uncanny ability of understanding animals was noted early on. He tries not to get too attached to the livestock, as he knows they'll all be killed come the end of autumn, but, well... He has a heart, and since he can sort of understand them, it's still hard. But he knows that it's for their own good, since they won't survive the winter, so it's better that they be killed then instead of dying off slowly in the cold.

When Souji became a teenager, his father offered to take him along and teach him trading, but... Souji declined, and he's still not entirely sure why sometimes. He thinks it's because he doesn't want to live that kind of life, traveling all the time, not really getting to have a real home. He likes the village, and he likes the sheep and the goats, and... He doesn't think trading is for him, is all.

Oh, and the first thing Souji had to teach Izanagi? Do not eat the livestock.

Name: Izanagi
Breed: Gulldreki
Brief Description: A bit on the small side (maybe he was a runt?) at 16 feet long, but he is no less beautiful or healthy for it. His scales are more of a burnt gold shade, but his underbelly is lighter, and the frills around his ears are white. He likes for his caramel-colored mane to be kept long so it can be braided. He likes it especially when Souji makes two long trailing braids (like the long belt-like tails coming off Izanagi's helm in canon), though the boy cannot fathom why.

Brief Personality: Since Izanagi is such an elusive type of dragon, he was reluctant to follow Souji home at first... but now that he has chosen to stay with him, Izanagi does not want to share. Souji is his special person. He is possessive and protective, always watching out for his back and always ready to jump to his defense or scoop him up and run. However, he is loyal, and though he may not trust most other people, he will follow Souji's lead and orders. Souji noticed he had a habit of glaring at other people and generally being intimidating, but after being told off for it, Izanagi has fallen back on just plain ignoring everyone else if he can help it. He is more comfortable in the company of other dragons, but even then, he doesn't like interacting with them. Izanagi is not exactly social, and he is hierarchal and slow to trust. Souji thinks that he'll get used to people and loosen up eventually; it's just that a lifetime of being on his own is hard to shake off.

In his canon, Souji is a very special person with a knack for being able to bond with everyone, even if they're not human. He is also the only character in the game who can use multiple Personas, not just one, and his "main" Persona, Izanagi, is named after a main Japanese god. The Megami Tensei Wikipedia summarizes: "Izanagi is a Japanese creation deity born of the seven divine generations in Japanese mythology. He and Izanami created many of the islands and deities of Japan." Because of this and Souji's role in his original canon, this mun believes that the rare gulldreki suits him.

Personality-wise, Izanagi the dragon has a lot more in common with Souji than most people would realize. In his attempts to coax Izanagi out of his shell and be more open and trusting, Souji will recognize many of Izanagi's traits in himself, and in helping the dragon, he will also have to challenge himself. This is very similar to the nature of Personas in the original canon: you face your inner self, your inner traits and fears, unsavory or no, and in accepting this, you being to walk the path of being more comfortable in your own skin and learn who you are and the truths about yourself that you haven't quite been willing to face.

When Souji left to go catch his dragon at fifteen, he packed for a very long hike. He didn't really have a set plan or a specific kind of dragon in mind; he just meant to go out and see what happened. He went straight into the woods with his provisions, assuring everyone that he'd be back before too long.

Except he did stay out there longer than he meant to. Once he got deep into the forest, he found himself following his instincts instead of the trail he picked out, taking random turns on whims, just following the shape of the land. There wasn't anything special about the moment he turned his head and saw Izanagi; it just happened. There was the briefest of pauses, but to the boy and dragon, it felt like minutes. And then the dragon fled, and the boy chased. Later, while retelling the story, Souji would say, "I don't know what I was thinking. The only thing I knew was that I had to follow him... I couldn't tell you why."

The dragon got tired and frustrated with the chase, and it started to make random zigzags through the trees, trying to lose him. But still, Souji followed. Finally, the dragon slowed until it reached a stream, which it lay next to in order to rest and drink. Souji didn't approach immediately, instead remaining a fair distance away, settling down amongst some trees to rest himself. The dragon eyed him warily, but after a while, Souji offered him some food. The dragon stared some more, wondering what the hell was up with this human. He chased him for so long, tried so hard, and all for what? To share food? But despite his incredulity, the dragon hesitantly accepted... and that was that.

Third-Person Sample
Souji sat, watching the sheep, and thought.

The coming winter seemed like it was going to be especially harsh. There would have to be a lot of preparations. More meat, more wool, more everything. He would have to make sure the livestock was more than well-fed so that they grew healthy and strong before the end of fall came.

... Surt was trapped inside the volcano. If the clans couldn't work together and find the Scepter of Thunder in Priodd, the dragons would have to sacrifice themselves to stop Surt from destroying Vanaheim. Not only that, but the clans had to find the pieces of Thor's Hammer. It was going to take everyone working together, like that one woman with the silfdreki said at the meeting.

But Viduaga of Grimmlyor talked about a power struggle. Was that really what people thought this was about? Power? Souji supposed that some people did see things that way. That didn't necessarily mean that they were wrong to think like that, but was it really the best approach to take to this situation?

Souji looked over at Izanagi, sleeping on a clear patch of grass. No matter what happened, Souji didn't want to lose him. He was sure that everyone else felt that way about their own dragons, too. Maybe that was what everyone needed -- a reminder of what was at stake, of what was important.


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