soo bored right now..not a lot of homework tonight which was good um school sucks mrs. penucci is horrible..she is incredibly boring and thinks we are all retarded but hey the social studies teacher is ok..we havent really done much in class tho so who knows..anyways thats about it
tell her dirty jokes. tell her happy stories. tell her sad stories. tell her your stories. tell her anything. tell her stupid jokes.write poems about her. just walk with her.when she starts swearing at you... tell her you love her.take her to shows of bands shes never heard of. let her fall asleep in your arms. call her. call her back if she calls you. sing to her, no matter how bad you are. get her mad, then kiss her. give her piggy-back rides. just hang out with her. when shes sad,talk to her or stay on the phone with her, even if shes not talking look into her eyes. tell her a secret. kiss her in the rain...just kiss her. be yourself around her & when you fall in love with her..tell her. ♥