You know what's really annoying? People who hang out with the same person/people every day over break.... without inviting anybody else....and then nobody else gets to hang out with them!!!!!
Oh, anddd me and Chris aren't speaking....again. Not gonna explain the whole thing, but it also had something to do with this annoyance.
I want to see
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Comments 5
knwo what sucks more is having noone to hang out with ;-(
call me
I sit at home and read alllllllll day.
and we both love hookah
and i need something to do saturday.
call me
ive seen basically the same people (u and jbizz..not that im hating on u bc i love you) and there was only one night where i saw more than 1 person...whattheshit?
people are hiding..or im working..or a mixture of both..we still have to go tanning...
oh yeah..and fuck stupid boys
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