
Oct 04, 2007 11:18

This is a pile of trash I just created merely by changing the cartridges in my printer. I went to hp.com/recycle to order a box to send the cartridges back for recycling. But if HP was so concerned with Mother Earth, why can't they reduce the massive amount of cardboard and plastic which surrounds each little bitty cartridge? How about more ink, ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

junebear October 4 2007, 19:37:34 UTC
It might just be the eyeopener they need. I'm with you and think the packaging is ridiculous, for a lot of things.


carengoodrich October 4 2007, 22:13:32 UTC
I really despise excess packaging. I understand it's for display and anti-theft strategies, but the waste is really too much.


junebear October 5 2007, 03:24:30 UTC
I do too. I also don't like packaging that I can't get into without tools, you know, that hard plastic stuff, grrrr! :)


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