Oh how naive we all were before HBP...

Apr 12, 2007 09:53

LOOKY WHAT I FOUND!  Here is the background info on The Muggle House series I started back in 2005!  Hehe.  You can soooooo tell it was developed before HBP came out.  Ahhh,  how naive we all were back then!  I still plan to write it but I will wait until after I read book 7 to continue it.  I want to know exactly how AU is going to have to be, lol!  Enjoy!  Bold italics are comments I made today while reposting this info.

Some of this stuff is set in stone (like the pairings unless otherwise noted) but some things are suggestions and I would like to see what you think readers will prefer. There are a lot of original characters in The Muggle House - I know most people do not like to read about original characters but this is the direction that my imagination has taken me. All JKR characters are as canon as possible (before HBP *snort!*) - so if I write something about them that is not correct please tell me.

Here we go:

Pairings and Character info:

Fred/George/Caren (new character - pronounced Karen): This is not twincest! The twins share the same wife. I think that twins are their own people and shouldn't be lumped together all the time but having said that, my version of the twins are unnaturally close.  They are comfortable sharing everything and it feels right for them to live together with the same woman.

The twins always dress alike.  My version of the twins did this at first because Molly thought it was cute, then when she got over that, they liked to dress alike to help trick people, and it just became so that they always chose the same clothes even when they weren't together.   Caren and their daughters can ALWAYS tell them apart.

They have twin daughters named Fiona and Gwenn (or maybe Fredricka and Georgia - yes the twins would be that cruel). Identical twins also, Fiona acknowledges Fred as her dad and Gwenn acknowledges George. It's a strange situation but since identical twins have identical genes it really doens't matter which sperm actually did the trick. In honor of their mother, Molly, they call their twins Frolly and Golly; everyone calls them that except for their mother and grandmother who always call them Fiona and Gwenn.

Caren is and Asian-American muggle *cough* Mary Sue *cough*.  The new twins have dark, almost black looking hair that shines copper in bright sunlight.  It is long and curly. Because of thier asian blood they have golden skin that tans dark and smattering of black freckles across their noses.  When they get to Hogwart's they will be in Gryffindor. They are mischievious like their fathers and don't take any crap about their strange upbringing and their parents alternative lifestyle.

Caren met the twins in Diagon Alley where she works as a columnist for The Daily Prophet where she writes a Dear Abbey like column called Ms. Muggle.

Draco/Ginny:   I know there is no canon basis for this pairing but I developed a story behind this. The war took it's toll on everyone. Harry kills Voldemort and afterwards Arthur Weasley kills Lucius Malfoy and is descending upon Draco, who is cradling his fathers dead body in one hand and prepaing to defend himself with his wand in the other.

Suddenly Harry and Dumbledore appear.They want all the bloodshed to end and want to form a Blood Pact Truce. A truce based on blood, magic and marriage - an Unbreakable Truce.  A volunteer from each side must comply. Tired of all the pain and sorrow the war has brougth both sides, Draco and Ginny each volunteer and are Wizard Bonded in marriage. They cannot be divorced and they will know to some extent what each other feels especially when one or the other is in great pain or need (I cannot take all the credit for this -I have read other fanfics that talk about wizard bonds that go beyond marriage). They must cherish, love and care for one another for the rest of their lives and the pact will be fulfilled and peace will reign in the wizarding world - blah, blah, blah.

They have a daughter named Angelique.  Everyone calls her Angie except her father who always calls her Angel.  She is daddy's little girl. His spitting image but with strawberry blonde hair and a few freckles across her nose if she gets too much sun.  She is not mean and spiteful like her father was - she is actually quiet and shy.

When they are first married Ginny refuses to take the name Malfoy.  They compromise but Draco insists that his name be first so they are Malfoy-Weasley.  After he truly falls in love with her, as a gift to Ginny he changes it to Weasley-Malfoy.

Angie is the same age as the twins and when they go to Hogwarts Ginny gives Angie her Gryffindor scarf, beacuse Weasleys are Always in Gryffindor.  Angie is so timid and shy she wants to be with her strong and fearless twin cousins (and her best friend her other cousin - tell ya later).  She is absolutley devestated when she is placed in Slytherian.  She has troubles with fellow first year Petunia Elisabeth Parkinson-Zabini who everyone calls Pet (Pet E. get it, Petty). Pet is appaled that a Weasel has been let in the Snake Pit.

Ron/Hermione:  Ron is gonna be my angsty character.  Broken both mentally and physically by the war he retreats into the seclusion of his childhood bedroom - rarely coming out.  Hermione and him have a very dysfunctional relationship. Hot passionate sex one day - Ron retreating even further into himself the next.

It is not until their daughter is born that he comes back to life - devoting his renewed love to her and Hermione. They name their daughter Rosemary and she is the spitting image of her dad (much to her dislike).  She is ackward, clumsy ,and unsure of herself.  This is made even worse because of the pressure she must endure from her overachieving mother.  She is best friends with her quiet cousin Angie.  Angie is the only one who doesn't seem to be judging her.  A Weasley through and through she is put in Gryffindor and is happy to be with the twins but has a hard time adjusting without the support of Angie.

Other Special Notes:

Harry plays Quidditch for England after the war.  He is not paired with anyone at first but there is a suprise in store.

Caren/Ginny/Ron - are stay at home parents and become great friends.

Hermione works for the ministry and I can't decide what to do with Draco (they keep the Malfoy money so he doesn't HAVE to work) Ginny and Draco do NOT live at the manor (too many bad memories).  The Twins have Weasley's Wizzard Wheezes of course!

The Muggle House gets it's name from the house they built for Caren near the Burrow which is an actual muggle house - with muggle appliances and everything becasue she was having trouble functioning in the wizarding world.  There is no magic allowed at the Muggle House (Caren was tired of Fred and George destroying everything with their "product development").  Draco hates her - he loves Ginny but that doesn't mean that he still isn't  DRACO MALFOY.  He tolerates the Weasleys, ignores Hermione, and can't stand that an actual MUGGLE is now in his family.  He calls her That Muggle Whore because of her realtionship with Fred/George.  And he can't stand the fact that he can't get a rise out of her because they have no history together and she doesn't let him bother her.

New Notes:
Snape and Lupin are paired and they are raising a reincarnated Sirius Black s their son.  Remus teaches Werewolf Studies at Hogwarts.  Snape is the Headmaster.  Neville teaches Herbology.  Harry teaches DADA.

The fics will range from PG to NC-17.  Kids at Hogwart's stuff will be mostly PG and the adult parings will often be NC-17
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