.Name: Victoria
.Birthday: 3-12-91
.Age: 14
.School you go to: American Heritage
.Job: none
.Best friend: kara
.B.F/G.F?: none
..:: AT THE MOMENT ::..
.Hair color: light brown
.Hair style: down
.When was the last time you washed it?: yesterday
.Clothes: green skirt, pink shirt
.Undies: ok....
.Makeup: just the cried off make up from last night
.Song: none
.Thinking about: how horrible my so called friends were to me
..:: ON FAMILY ::..
.Mom's name: Kim
.Dad's name: Vic
.Siblings?: 1 brother(younger) 2 half brothers(older)
.Do you get along with your siblings: nope
.If you're an only child, do you like it?: not an only child...kind of want to be tho
.Do you like going to your grandparents house?: sure....
.Name of the person you like/are going out with: single and loving it
.Why do you like him/her?: dont have a crush actually.....
Is there anything about them that you don't like?: ^^^^
.Do you think you love this person?: ^^^^^
.What do you think about love?: hurtful
.What do you think about soul mates?: sure
.What do you think about sex before marriage?: uhhhh
..:: ON FRIENDS ::..
.Did you meet most of your friends at school?: ya
.Why?: cuz im always there
.List all your friends: too many to list
.How many is that?: a lot
.Do you hang out with them on a regular basis?: some of them
.Place your friends in the following categories:
...Best friends: kara....maby cheyenne
...Friends: lots
...Close Casuals: lots
.Do you think you're popular?: hmmmm i dk
.Does it matter to you whether you're popular or not?: no
.What was said to you this week that you can't stop thinking about?: everything ppl said last night
.Who said it?: everybody
.Why did they say it?: i dk but i wish they didnt
.Why does this stick out above everything else said to you this week?: what?
.What was the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?: i dk
.What was the nicest thing you've ever told someone?: hmmmmm
.Has anyone ever confessed that they LIKE you?: yup
.Have you ever confessed that you like someone else?: i dont think so....
.Do you have trouble expressing your emotions or saying the hard stuff?: ya
..:: LIFE/RANDOM ::..
.What time do you wake up in the morning?: 6 am
.What time does work/school start for you?: 7:45 am.
.What do you usually do after school/work?: depends on what i have planned after school
.What do you do in your spare time?: Computer,tv,hang out with friends
.Ever smoked cigarettes?: nope
.Ever done drugs?: nope
.Are you often late or do you manage to get to work on time?: i dont work
.Is the way you look important to you?: sure
.What do you have issues with (list all)?: im really sensitive
.What do you think of Abercrombie?: cool
.What is the one thing you'd like to accomplish in your life?: have a good job and have lots of money when i grow up