Title: Epiphany
Pairing: Jin centered - Akame-ish
Rating: PG 13
carisraverDisclaimer: I do not own KAT-TUN nor anything that of Johnny's Entertainment.
Summary: Jin's painful realization.
I can feel him. Fingertips tracing the outlined of my face. His hands are cold yet soothing.
I watch him with my eyes half open, not saying a word. I can't speak.
“Jin,” A voice calls. He looks up, telling the other he'll be right out then he turns his attention back to me. Crouching down, he tucks in my blanket, smoothing out the wrinkles. We both stare into each other's eyes for the longest time, I can feel the sympathy.
Snapping back to reality, He grabs his jacket from the chair then leaves.
This bed feels uncomfortable. Where am I? Why am I here? Why was he here?
Next day, The Park Near The Hospital
“How's our golden boy?” A hand lands on Akanishi's shoulder.
Jin shrugs. “Want one?” He holds up a fresh Marlboro Light for Koki. The other refuse politely claiming he wants to quit. Jin didn't really care, he lights up the offered death stick for himself then takes a drag.
Kame was hospitalized after his dramatic collapse during the middle KAT-TUN'S performance on Music Station Live. Everyone saw. Fangirls cried and moaned, the media flaunted it in every tabloid and every damn news segment and Jin? He went clubbing.
“How was it? The visit...”
“... was short-lived.” Jin cuts Koki off. “I was only there for about five minutes. The press conference was a bitch.”
The younger boy sighs, “Sorry, for making you deal with it by yourself. We were all busy that day except for you.”
“Hey, what are bandmates for, right?” Jin scoffs at his own comment.
“Yeah, what are they for?” Jin can tell it all by Koki's disgusted voice. A few seconds after, the boy left leaving the other alone.
“Nothing.” Jin mutters to himself.
Brrrr Brrrr
“Akanishi, filming started half an hour, where are you?”
“Oh... if you want to stay there, I'll give you a break this one...”
“...I'll be at the set soon. Don't worry, I'll apologize to the director and all that crap.” With that, Jin ended the phone call with his manager.
He stands up, brushes himself clean of any dirt from the park bench then throws the cigarette away irresponsibly.
He can't allow himself to care now, it's too late.
NOTES: My first official fan fiction! Yay? lol. Anyways, constructive criticism is needed appreciated and lulz me with flames :D