Two Weeks!!

Dec 20, 2004 19:33

Well today is my first day of two weeks off. I have some ideas of what to do with myself, but at the same time, "I do not know what to do with myself!" It is a good feeling. I got a couple things done around the house today. And more importantly, I got to the post office and sent out 8 boxes of goodies. I felt bad for the staff at the post office, so I might bake up my left over sugar cookie dough and take it to them. They are just working their fingers to the bone, with so little thanks. Anyhoo, I sent out packages to all of Todd's family that included: iced sugar cookies, almond cookies, meringues, and spiced nuts. I am still waiting for a CD to come in for my dad, then I can send off the package for my parents.

I am all cozy on the couch with carols in the background and a glass of wine. I have no clue what I am making for dinner, and at this hour, it probably does not bode well at all. It is likely that it will be something frozen. We'll see.  I have some turkey gumbo in the freezer (sans okra)...maybe that will be our lucky winner.

So on my slate for tomorrow is to wrap all the presents for Todds' parents. I need to get that out of the way. I am not convinced that I have enough wrapping paper, so I really do not want to wait until the last minute. Todd's presents are ordered, even though we were not planning to exchange this year. I have learned my lesson with that. No matter what we agree to, he always gets me something. I refuse to be caught with my pants down. So even though they are not big gifts, I got him Michael Crichton's new novel State of Fear.  We never talk about Global Warming in our gets nasty.  So we will see what this book does for our conversations!  I also got him a leather lap desk.  He has been asking for this FOREVER.  The whole idea of no big gifts this Christmas is because we are planning to buy a new sofa (if I ever find one that I like).  Since we have been looking for months now, I am not holding my breath.  When Todd is off next week, we are heading to Ethan Allen.  If we cannot find something there, there is truely no hope (a concept that is simply unacceptable to me).

I am tossing around going to NYC on Wednesday if it is not -10 degrees out.  I am just dying to go to the Met.  I have not been in so long.  Part of me wants to just be unaccompanied and drift through the collections, then there is a part of me (very small) that would not object to some company.  This potenial jaunt is completely dependant on the weather though.
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