well you sir cannot HAVE my babies........ for.... for i do not HAVE babies... however for the low low price of 14.95 an hour i can baby snatch babies from people who have babies.
and i can give you my babies.
but first i will need you to fill out this application/questionare:
Name: No, your real name: When was the last time you have wanted babies from me: What flavor babies will you be requesting: When you last asked someone for their babies, how long did they last: How many kilowatthours will you need from these babies: JANKED: SPANKED: dont touch me: next question:
After the proper answers have been returned, your babies will be delivered and you will. Thank you.
Comments 4
and i can give you my babies.
but first i will need you to fill out this application/questionare:
No, your real name:
When was the last time you have wanted babies from me:
What flavor babies will you be requesting:
When you last asked someone for their babies, how long did they last:
How many kilowatthours will you need from these babies:
dont touch me:
next question:
After the proper answers have been returned, your babies will be delivered and you will. Thank you.
Next time will you.
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