I found a bunch more pictures from around the dorm, and at Millis...... so here goes. hope they're fun
Ben is surely the MAN.... hah
What the fuck is in my mouth??? being wasted is fun I guess
I think I was singing and dancing?? guess what I had done that night....
Jamie, Erin, Renee, Kim, Mat, and Amy.... wait... what's Mat doing in that picture?
Me and LaurWhore..... neither of us are drunk.
LaurWhore liked that picture......
Three girls + 1 bottle of 151 + 1 bottle of Razz= ...... that!
hmmmm... Courtney Lost her nose ring... It turns out it came out while she was puking in the bathroom
This picture, solely for the shirt! wtf
holy shit DJ was FUCKED!
I don't even remember taking this picture... But I'm in it.
Renee gave Ben a MoHawk, and then him and Mat tried to look gay... I think it worked
And to cap the day off... Gwen, Katie, and Mike(?). Katie's the girl that "I met?" haha
hope it was fun to look at... i love the picture of DJ.... goodbye
Go Sox