I didn't go to school today because i didn't have a final. Tj & Kayla came to get me @ like 12 and we went to Steph's to swim =)
Then Eddy Bert & Will came to Steph's and picked us up and we went uptown. I spent the day uptown with Kayla Steph Bert Will Eddy Justin Anthony Tony Bret Mike & James =) Then Eddy drove us all home.
Steph, when it rained =)
Eddy actually let Bert do the drivingg..
Will, bug eyed.
Bert Steph WIll & Eddy..
the boyyys..<3
ohh Bert <33
Kayla & Steph with Keith =)
Justin's burn =/ ouuuuch.
The loner benches..haha
the boys playing bball..
me and steph <33
Tony & Anthony
me rocking Eddy's glasses..
ed dawg w/ the stickerr
Bret & me =)
Will haha
Justin lol
Steph on the phonee..
my basketball concentration. haha Bert took my camera
Bret.. (Bert took this too)
Kayyla. ( yup he took this too)
<3 loove you all so much =)