Title: Siwon For A Day
Fandom: Super Junior
Characters: Heechul, Hankyung, Siwon, Ryeowook, Donghae, Eunhyuk, Kangin, Eeteuk
Pairings: Hanchul, Shichul, Shihan, Eunhae, Kangteuk
Rating: R
Warnings: Slash
Summary: A typical day in a SuJu dorm. Appa & Umma try to sleep while the kids wreak havoc and Heechul is his crazy, manipulative self.
One morning, Heechul woke up and decided he was going to be Siwon for the day. He didn't know why that thought popped into his head but it did and who was he to question the greatness of his mind? )
Comments 10
Ah Heechul, you're mind is made of such power that people would die from just trying to understand it! *nods*
Really funny~ Enjoyed it ^^.
This was great ♥ :D
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