Title: A Soothing Hand Chapter: 2/2 Fandom: SHINee Pairing: Minho/Key Rating: R Summary: Key finally realizes what Minho means to him. Notes: This is the long overdue follow up to " Unspoken".
oh a Minkey.. I love this pair..but second only to onkey but still I love the couple..I really find it hard to find stories about the two..that's why when I found one I know and it is definitely for me is so good..
redaing this now..comment later ok..I need to go somewhere but promise to be back to comment..
...such a perfect ending! I love the progression in Key's feelings and how, with Minho looking after him and then the sudden loss of his presence, he gradually noticed just how much Minho actually meant to him...something he'd never seemed to think about before :o) The whole thing was amazing. Every bit just made me fall for this pair! I love the way you write! ♥♥
Comments 13
ugh, Minho ;-;' <3 so good to know Key finally noticed and all...<3 also, Minho being so... 'fragile' for once.
idek what more to say so i'm just saying i loved this <3
I love this pair..but second only to onkey but still I love the couple..I really find it hard to find stories about the two..that's why when I found one I know and it is definitely for me is so good..
redaing this now..comment later ok..I need to go somewhere but promise to be back to comment..
Poor Minho, always the unheard one. D:
But I'm glad Key finally realizes that~ ^^
i am so glad there's a sequel ♥♥♥
gonna have to read this after school tomorrow ♥
have i ever told you how much i love you?♥
...such a perfect ending!
I love the progression in Key's feelings and how, with Minho looking after him and then the sudden loss of his presence, he gradually noticed just how much Minho actually meant to him...something he'd never seemed to think about before :o)
The whole thing was amazing. Every bit just made me fall for this pair! I love the way you write!
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