Time for another sketch dump, now that class is over. I should be studying for my System Hardware final, but sssshhhh.
Warmup sketches of Chris. The boy's design is ever changing, but, uh, let's say it adds realism to the (eventual) story.
Grr, still not Filipino-looking enough. D<
Another sketch of Chris sporting a version of
my most recent haircut. It looks better on him, alas. I'm thinking of cutting my own again pretty soon because it's grown out funny and bleh. :(
Badly-scanned fanart of the webcomic
Hanna Is Not A Boy's Name. It is a gem that you all need to go read right now. Just be warned that the author kind of disappeared from the internet without warning in February and hasn't been around since. :(((
Prelim design of my character Jin-Ho Min-Kyung from Nephilim, the story I am still attempting to write in conjunction with
chaoticdance . Story-wise, it's still a bit slow-going, but over the summer we're determined to make some major progress on it, so stay tuned to the
community we'll be dumping all of our brainstorming on, if you're interested. 8Db
Anyway, Jin-Ho is from the pseudo-Asian nation that's a big part of the world so far. His father is a wealthy merchant so Jin-Ho was raised as a spoiled nouveau-riche, which explains why his clothing is so impractical. He's also the Incidentally Gay character, because come on, I had to have at least one. *glances sideways at
chaoticdance *