Ten things you may or may not want to know about me

Mar 07, 2011 10:19

Since this journal has gone friends only, I figure there are some things which would be helpful for non-flisters to know about me. So if you've ended up here hoping to learn more about me and figure out whether I'm scary/weird/harmless/an alien, I hope this is going to provide you with a few things to start with.

1) I'm fannish. It's why this LJ exists in the first place, so that's also the first point on my list. I started out in Vampire Chronicles ages ago (long enough ago that I am not scared to admit it), then wandered on to a brief stint in anime (Gundam Wing and Yukikaze) and later the Tolkien fandoms. There've also been a few brief forays into Lions of Al-Rassan (which I've been assigned for yuletide three times out of four), Elisabeth and a few other minor stints. These days, I'm still more or less active when it comes to CS Friedman's Coldfire, head over heels into royalty RPF, which currently is a microscopic two-person fandom, and starting to get into The Eagle and football RPF (soccer, the football where hands aren't allowed - although I'm a Uruguay fan, so that's actually debatable...). That's the ones where I've actually got fics to show for; as far as reading goes, I've dabbled in pretty much everything in the past decade or so.

2) I'm a woman. Which doesn't come as much of a surprise in fandom (I mean, what are the odds), but let's have that on official record.

3) I'm well over 18, well below retirement age, and that's narrowed it down as much as necessary, since mental age matters a lot more online anyway. Mental age, for that matter, can vary from five when I see something new and shiny, to ancient for cynicism. Apparently I sound older than I look.

4) I'm on my way into teaching, and already do a lot of tutoring. Which is why this Livejournal is flocked, because accounting classes and some of the things I've done to assorted fictional persons over the years don't go that well together.

5) I'm Austrian. No, not Australia, the tiny country between Germany and Italy, known from Sound of Music and Sissi. Which means that you'll occasionally encounter some of the following: wonky English, a complete failure to understand things like inches, ounces and yards, a predilection for Apfelstrudel and the occasional commentary on a country which not everybody would find on a map.

6) On a tangent to points 3 and 5, I've currently been to one foreign country for every year in my life. Since that amuses me considerably, I'll be trying to keep that up. Travel is something I love, especially when it comes to grabbing the back pack and going off by myself. So far I've spent over three years abroad in some form, and I'm planning on increasing that number.

7) I've got phenomenally bad luck when it comes to picking out insane employers who exist in a bizarre alternate universe which only bears marginal resemblance to the one I'm used to. Entire sagas have sprung up from those situations.

8) I've been socialised as a slash fan, which probably doesn't come as a big surprise to anyone after seeing my list of fandoms. These days, I'm also happily reading and writing gen and het, but I'm far too trained to look at fannish things through slash goggles to shake that off anytime soon.

9) I'm liable to go on binge reading/watching/researching whenever something strikes my fancy. I just like to know things, so if something tweaks my interest, I'm liable to spend weeks or even months with things like reading secondary literature or drawing up family trees.

10) What I say and post online, stays online. I'm not a fan of retracting information which I've made public at any point, which goes especially for fic. I've moved my stuff around a few times and made a few things, this Livejournal included, not immediately accessible for everyone, but I'm not going to delete anything. Which doesn't mean I haven't changed my opinion about things I've said in the past, but the non-deletion issue is the one iron rule I'm sticking to.
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