Title: Labyrinth
Year: 1986
Country: UK, USA
Language: English
Classification: PG
David Bowie
Jennifer Connelly
My Review: ★彡★彡★彡★彡★彡
This is actually my second copy of the Labyrinth (Ironically the second time I'm writing this out, thanks to LJ) since a friend of mine recently watched it and it made me want to watch again, but my copy is packed! This is actually the US release, contains a little booklet too, so I don't mind owning two copies (Plus, it's Bowie...)
Onto the actual review. The story starts with Sarah wishing her baby step-brother, Toby, to be taken away but when her wish is granted by Jareth (David Bowie) the Goblin King, she must enter the Labyrinth to rescue him. I'd be quite happy to take Toby's place on Jareth's lap (*_*) Sarah encounters unique creatures created by Jim Henson along the way.
Well that's the basic story without giving away anything. I've lost count of the times I've watched the Labyrinth. One of the reasons I love it so much is the creativity and imagination, the other is David Bowie ♪(´ε` )
I also love the soundtrack, Underground, Magic Dance and As The World Falls Down (All by Bowie) would have to be my favourites.
I do recommend watching at least once in your life.