On a social networking website, out of the blue, I get messaged by someone I do not know. The stats that popped up for them (this will tell many of you what website it is) was 24% match/friend and 75% enemy.
Here proceeds our conversation:
stupidusername042001: hi
me: Hello.
stupidusername042001: how are u
stupidusername042001: im brandon
stupidusername042001: what part are u in houston
stupidusername042001: ?
stupidusername042001: u there
me: Yes, I am here.
stupidusername042001: what part of houston are u i n
me: I'm sorry, but I don't know you, and I am not going to tell you what part of town I am in.
me: Honestly, I have to wonder why you messaged me at all.
stupidusername042001: im on westimer
stupidusername042001: just to chat
me: Right.
me: What did you want to chat about?
stupidusername042001: anything you want
me: Well, you contacted me, so what did you want to talk to me about, other than to ask where I am for some reason?
stupidusername042001: what do you do for fun
me: (Also, a tip: Don't immediately ask women you don't know where they live or are. It is very creepy.)
me: I read a lot of books, and I spend time with my friends. You?
stupidusername042001: kool
stupidusername042001: you like girls or boys
me: Seriously? This is the conversation you want to have?
stupidusername042001: sure
me: Did you bother to find out anything about me before messaging me "to talk?"
stupidusername042001: you like to text or talk on the phone
me: You are very good at not answering questions, I'll give you that.
me: I am not interested in giving you my phone number. I don't know you, and you are not actually having a conversation with me, only trying to get my location and phone number.
me: Why would I give that to a stranger on the internet I know nothing about?
me: Why don't you try a direct and honest approach with someone (else), it would probably be much more likely to get you results.
me: Also, read a profile before you message someone.
stupidusername042001: how are you today
me: This way, you will know in advance if you have any hope at all with them.
me: I am annoyed and perplexed by you. I'm not sure why you thought messaging me would be a good idea, or why you are still replying with non- sequiters.
me: I am also waiting to see if you will ever actually respond to anything I say.
stupidusername042001: you like fucking
stupidusername042001: ?
I didn't feel the conversation could have a more hilarious conclusion, so I blocked him at that point.