yea im bored..went to the mall getting my contacts saturday gona have green eyes now.....prob look ugly but its either them or glasses lol so yea lissa came over and then went shopping back to the mall then dunkin donuts then home n now shes goin to get her stuff to sleep over so yea well im going to do some stuff so yea....
you have most classes with?:emily
One you sit with everyday at lunch?:tina
One who sits near you in most your classes?:emily
One who lives cloesest to you?:sarah n emily
One who lives far away?:francile
Gonna end up in prison?:hha emily or sarah
Best Smile?:amsaa
Most Insiders with:asmaa
Smells the best:emily
One you tell EVERYTHING to?: tina now
Xx*The Guys*xX
Best Out of them all?: mm idk
Best Smile?:dan
Best Eyes?:dan
Easiest to get along with?:alex
One most like you?:alex
One person you thought you wouldnt be friends with?:alex
Most Talented In Music?: dano
Plays The Bass? idk
Plays The Drums? jonathen
Plays The Eletric Gutiar: mm idk matt?
Most talented in sports?:dan
Girl Magnent?:chris
One who lives cloesest to you:cody
One who lives most far away?:vinnie
One who you miss the most?: idk
Most Insiders with? alex or jj
Any Gay ones?um stephen
One people say you are matched for?:mike or dan
One people wonder why you are friends?:prem
Gonan end up in prison?:jimmy
Best in school?:dan?
Going to be most sucessful:dan prob
Best taste in music?:idk
Best style?: bren
One who you talk to the most on the phone: alex
One you talk to most on the internet?: josh or laex
Most in letters?: none
MOst you pass notes with in class?: i think it wuld be nasta?
One you love as your brother and think of him that way?: bryan p
Oldest?: nick?
Youngest?: mm idk
Best in..Grammar:pff idc
Science: derek
Best Grades, period.:dano
One who you could NEVER date?:brian c
One who seems always upset?:andrew
One who always seems..hyper?: jonathen
Name 20 people you know.
1. josh
2. tina
4. nasta
5. karina
6. cody
7. emily
8. jake
9. sarah
10. bryan
11. kiesrsten
12. joey
14. alex
15. deb
16. jj
17. chelsea
18. chris
19. dariana
20. andrew
Who is #8 going out with?no one
Is #9 a boy or a girl? girl
Would #11 and #12 date?yes
How about #18 and #4? nope
What grade is #17 in? 8th
When was the last time you talked to #12?yesterday at his baseball game
What is #6's favorite band?idk
Does #1 have any siblings? a brother ian
Would you ever date #3? no
Would you ever date #7? nope
Is #16 single? yes
What's #15's last name? lahue
What's #10's middle name? no clue
What's #5's favorite thing to do? hang wit friends
Would #14 and #19 make a good couple? not really
What school does #20 go to? fms
Tell me a random fact about #11? she has a bf
And #1: he went out wiht me
And #3: shes algerian
Have you ever had a crush on #15? nope
What's #4's favorite color? idk white?
Would you makeout with #14? haha yea
Are #5 & #6 best friends? no
Does #7 like #20? in a friendly way
Does #8 like #19? idk fi they no eachother
How did you meet #2? um in math
How did you meet #18? by natalia last year
Does #10 have any pets? a cat
Is #12 older than you? i think
Is # 17 the sexiest person alive or what? yea shes bangin