"Did anyone's opinions of Chuck change when he "came out"?
I mean, I think it must have been difficult for really straight, macho guys who read Chuck's books trying to justify how great he is to other really straight, macho guys...maybe it even turned some fans off reading Chuck ever again or grossed them out?"
Uh. No. He's a writer. His sexuality has nothing to do with what he writes. It's fiction. If some macho homophobe has problems with the fact that he sleeps with men, that's their problem. It doesn't take anything away or add to whatever he's written.
Why should someone's credibility as a writer rise or decline by who they fuck or, er, get fucked by? >:|
Another great example of why people feel the need to label everything. Because clearly, if Chuck Palahniuk is gay, he's going to hit on every straight man who reads his stuff. WTF, fans? RAH.