Fic: Lasting Resolutions (Suicide Kings, Brett/Avery, PG)

Dec 14, 2005 10:36

Title: Lasting Resolutions
Fandom: Suicide Kings
Pairing: Brett/Avery
Rating: PG
Summary: Life on the road gives you a lot of time to think.
Author's note: Prompt #2, this one from duckduck. (Aside to Michelle: It's post-movie; sorry. All my characters are mopey lately, can't imagine why. I might try a pre-movie version eventually.) I'm pretty ' ( Read more... )

fic, fic: sk, suicide kings

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Comments 9

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carolinecrane December 14 2005, 18:58:15 UTC
They're chained together by forces bigger than them, poor things. And no matter how hard they try to fight it, they just keep getting dragged back in. Which, of course, is why they tie with Harlan/Marcus for my rock-solid OTP.


ruggerdavey December 14 2005, 18:23:08 UTC
*cries* Dude, this was just, yeah. Crazy powerful.


carolinecrane December 14 2005, 19:06:06 UTC
Wow. Thank you.


writingpathways December 14 2005, 23:02:54 UTC
Aaah, awwww. That's my reaction. Aaaah Brett don't even think about leaving Avery and aww they are so damn dysfunctional but so damn cute. Sigh.

Sigh. Brett should hate him, if you know look at the facts in pure black and white. But Brett and Avery aren't black and white, and they fit together so well, it might be impossible for Brett to be, well to be, away from Avery. At least it's how it feels to me and I'm just an outsider, I"m not even Brett.

Very bittersweet and has me scared that someday Avery might wake up and Brett will be gone -- hopefully to just get some ice or yell at the motel manager because they have no heat and Avery's shivering in his sleep. Sniffle.


carolinecrane December 15 2005, 02:27:57 UTC
Yeah, Brett should hate him, but he stays anyway, which is why I love Brett so much. He's loyal to a fault, and Avery really needs someone to pick him up when he falls.


writingpathways December 15 2005, 02:32:15 UTC
You know, I think I may watch SK tonight. Haven't seen it since Florida. It's time for a hit of Brett/Avery. And Brett's best quality is that he is loyal. And Avery, I love him because I know he didn't mean to hurt everyone, everything got out of control on him. It just makes me want to hug him.


duckduck December 15 2005, 01:27:01 UTC
I try, sometimes, to figure out what it is about Avery that I identify with so strongly - why it's Avery that pulls me in to this pairing and not Brett, as much - because you're right, everyone should hate Avery, maybe especially Brett, and it makes me wonder why I can relate to someone who did something so unforgiveable ( ... )


carolinecrane December 15 2005, 02:27:15 UTC
See, and that's exactly why I love them so much, because Brett would never, ever leave, no matter how much he wishes he could. And if he did manage it, he'd come crawling back before long, all disgruntled and bitter, and then he'd get pissed because *Avery* would be the one to apologize. They really are chained together for life, but they wouldn't have it any other way, and I love them for it.

I'm really glad you liked this, because I was worried it was too sad. The pre-movie version will be happier, if I manage it.


duckduck December 15 2005, 05:19:26 UTC
While it's true that I love a happy ending, there just aren't that many possibilities for one in a post-movie fic. I've kind of reconciled myself to it, so it's okay.

But yeah. Pre-movie? Generally=happy. Angsty, but happy.


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