Bored .. So I did a survey

Mar 28, 2005 21:24

[The Basics]
Full name: Carolyn Ann Cordle
Date of birth: 1-28-91
Gender: Female
Location: Warren, MI
Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Reason for taking survey: Bored
Time of the year: Spring
Friend: I don’t have a favorite
Family member: um..
Animal: dogs
Sweet food: I’m not sure
Spicy food: I <3 spicy food
Country: don’t have one!
Cartoon: Jimmy Neutron/ Fairly Odd Parents
TV channel: MTV, VH1
Pastime: going online
Music genre: I like all!
Artists from that genre: Depends
Porno: don't have one
Magazine: J-14/Teen People/Seventeen
Website: Live Journal
Swear word: Shit
Ice-cream flavor: Chocolate-Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream
Store: I’m not sure
Place to relax: My bedroom
Place to shop: Mall
Place to party: Beckyz
[Beliefs & Opinions]
What is your opinion on...
Abortion: I don’t like the idea
Child Abuse: Again don’t like the idea/ A spanking is different from abuse
Taxes: Hate them
Christmas: like it
Smoking: No thanks
The Iraq War & Saddam Hussein: STUPID
People who use their cell phones during movies:  Haven’t had it happen to me
Gay Marriage: Hey why cant they be happy too
Animal Testing: Aw the poor babies! I don’t like it
[Your Love Life]
Are you in a relationship right now: yes
Describe your current, or most recent relationship: The best
Are you, or have you ever been in love: I am right now
Are you, or do you plan on getting married: eventually, yes.
Do you believe in soul-mates: Yes
Do you think long-distance love is possible: depends on the people
What do you notice about the opposite sex first: Hair/Personality
Biggest turn-ons: Personality, Humor, Great smell
Biggest turn-offs: Bad Breath, Smell bad
Taller or shorter than you: doesn’t matter most likely same height or taller
Ever broken someone's heart: I’m not sure
Has someone ever broken yours: YUP
Do/would you have children:  Yeah I want a family.. But kids are a pain sometimes!
[Your Bad Side]
Do you steal, or have you stolen: yes
If so, was it from a store or a person you know: a store

Have you lied to your parents: who hasn't?
Do you get jealous easily: yes and no/depends on the person
Do you have a bad temper: sometimes
Have you ever made someone cry: I think
Ever physically hurt someone: yeah my brother
Do you consider yourself racist: no
[This or That]
Coca-Cola or Pepsi: Coke
A quiet evening at home or a wild night out: wild night out
Extreme intelligence or unbelievable beauty: beauty
Christmas without gifts, or Christmas without everything else: without gifts
Rock or Rap: rock
The ability to fly or the ability to be invisible: invisible
Hearing or seeing: seeing
Depression or anxiety:
Death by freezing, or burning: freezing
Death by suffocation or being stabbed: suffocation
Lots of acquaintances or a few close friends: lots of acquaintances
To be a singer or an actor/actress: actress
X-Ray vision or psychic abilities: x-ray vision (he he)
Sweet or savoury: sweet
To never sleep or to never eat: never eat
To eat as much as you want or to sleep as much as you want: sleep as much as I want
World domination or infinite knowledge of all things: world domination
Britney Spears or Christina Aquilera: Christina sings better, but Britney makes better music
Bush or Kerry: KERRY ALL THE WAY
[The Last]
Person you talked to: Ryan
Person you argued with: brother?
Person you hugged: I hugged a lot of ppl yesterday it was Easter
Person you kissed:
Phone call: Becky?
Thing you ate: Sandwhich?
Thing you drank: hot chocolate
Time you showered:  Today
Time you told someone you loved them: (Ryan) Today like a minute ago
Time someone said they loved you: (Ryan) Today like a minute ago  
Time you laughed: today
Time you vomited:  last year
Time you had sex: haven’t yet
TV show you watched: THE OC
Song you listened to: I’m listening to non stop music right now!
Movie you watched: You Got Served
Dream you had: Got an acting job…Got skinny… Made out with Ryan
Time you got drunk: January
Party you went to: Erica’s
Item of clothing you bought: Can’t remember
Person you would sleep with: Ryan duh?
[Have You Ever Been Called]
Bitch: yeah
Bastard: nope
Beautiful: yeah
Talented: yeah
A waste of space: no
Liar: yeah
Geek: yeah
Nerd: yeah
Peculiar: nope
Skinny: hell no
Fat:  of course
pretty: yeah
Goth: No
Emo: No
Grunger: No
Innovative: No
Weirdo: Yeah
Stupid: Yeah
Retarded: Yeah
Annoying: Yeah
Freak: No
Brat: Yeah
Minger: don’t know what that means
Cute: Yeah
Interesting: Yeah
Boring: Yeah
Slut: Yeah
Whore: Yeah
Whore face: No
Skank: yeah
Shit face: No
Ugly: Yeah
Disgusting: yeah
[Totally Random]
Tell us the first thing you'd do with a million dollars: Shop
Do you consider yourself to be romantic: sometimes
What’s the best thing somebody has ever said about you: I’m not sure!
Do you like candles: yes
Do you think emo people are idiots: No
Do you think goths are idiots: nope
Do you think people who take ridiculously long surveys are idiots: lol no
Do you believe men and women are truly equal: No

Do you read books very much: Not really, now that I’m in announcements I read more
Do people consider you to be a bookworm:  no way
Describe your mother: Um. I like her sometimes but most of the time she makes things worse.
What's one thing you would change about your body: MY WEIGHT TOTALLY
Would you kill one child to save the lives of 1000 children: yes
What one thing would a person have to do to deserve death: killing tons of ppl
The most romantic thing somebody's ever done for you: I’m not sure
List three things you want to do before you die:Be skinny,Become Famous,Have a family
The world ends and you can only save three people and yourself: Me, Ryan, My Daddy, and a friend
If you could kick anyone's ass, who would it be: Don’t wanna say
If you could sleep with anyone in the world, who would it be:  Again Ryan?
Are you bored of this survey yet: no
What is the meaning of life? To live life to the fullest… And don’t look back!

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