Could this place be any more boring? There's no criminals here, how is a Warden supposed to start a new home without prisoners!? This is just ridiculous! Everyone here are useless goody-goodies!
Don't get him wrong, he's grateful that he still isn't in time prison. (Or as grateful as a egomanical, childish prison warden can be.) Still, he needs to find some use for his skills and powers. He can't just sit here and waste his time as there might be criminals lurking around every corner of this place just waiting to be imprisoned. (And used as experiments and various other unsavory things, but shh.)
The Warden paces in the main room, clouds literally forming around his head.
Since it's been a while since the crazy little man has had a post here, here is one for your pleasure. The typist is aware that there are threads still in the intro. (I'll get to them, I SWEAR.) Title taken from Portal's "
Still Alive".