I hate my job. I hate my job. I want to hex the customers. I want to hex my bosses. I want to hex my coworkers.
I want to sleep, for fuck's sake.
I can't work like this anymore. My feet are going to fall off. I know it. I'm just waiting for it to happen. I wonder if I'd get any kind of compensation for the loss of feet. Possibly hands too.
Alright, I really need to sleep. I make no sense.
No point in sleeping now, though. I have to work again in 2 hours. Hopefully, I'll only have to work for my scheduled twelve hours.
I can't do this anymore.
Dear Father,
About the-- Forgiv-- I need money
Dear Mother,
Can you talk to my fa--
Are you angr-- I'm sorry
I want to come home.
Fuck it.
Three more weeks until term begins again, right?