(no subject)

Sep 24, 2005 18:29

First(s) . Memories
Age of your first kiss?: First actual kiss was at 13.
Who was your first crush.boyfriend.girlfriend?: My neighbor.
What is your first memory of?: Getting lost in a supermarket.
Age you first drank?: 14.
First nightmare?: The first that I can remeber was one where I was being chased by this...thing. I don’t think that I ever saw it. But no one would help me because I was invisible.
First time you got your period?:
First time you got an erection?: I’m not answering this.
First dentist appt?: I don’t remember.
First breakup?: I’ve never been in a real relationship.
Your first best friend?: My neighbor.
Do you remember your first Christmas?: No.

Thing you ate?: An apple.
Song you listened to?: Gingerbread Coffin by Rasputina.
Time you cried?: Can’t remember.
Phone call Owl you recieved?: From Dumbledore a while ago.
IM Owl you sent?: To Dumbledore a while ago.
Fight you had?: I don’t know. I kind of snapped at Andromeda, a bit.
Failing grade you got?: Charms 3rd year.
Thing you smiled over?: Can’t remember.
Website you viewed?: I’m not sure what that is.
Thing you wrote on paper?: A quick math problem.
Time you slept?: Last night.
Candy bar you ate?: I had some Honeyduke’s chocolate yesterday.
Time you went minature golfing?: Probably when I was about 5.
Thing you thought about?: How stupid miniature golf is.
Dream you had?: I was trapped in a flooded house where the water kept rising.
Time you got your hair done?: No.
Time you got a hug?: Can’t remember.
Person you kissed?: Bellatrix Can’t remember.


X. Starting time: 18:10
X. Name: Severus
X. Nicknames: None that I actually like.
X. School: Hogwarts.
X. Eyes: Black.
X. Height: 5'7
X. Siblings: Sam.X. Ever helped somebody cheat?: Yes.
X. Missed school b/c it was raining: No.
X. Set any body part on fire for amusement: No, but I did figure out how to breathe fire using a lighter.
X. Kept a secret from everyone: Yes.
X. Had an imaginary friend?: Yes.
X. Wanted to hook up with a friend: Yes.
X. Cried during a Flick: No.
X. Had a crush on a teacher: Yes.
X. Ever thought an animated character was hot: Not really.
X. Ever at anytime owned a New Kids on the Block tape: Huh?
X. Prank called someone: No.
X. Been on stage: Yes.


X. Shampoo: I don’t have a favourite.
X. Colors: Black, dark green, blue.
X. Day/Night: Night. Sunlight and I do not mix.
X. Summer/Winter: Winter.
X. Online Smiley: Ick. No.

------DO YOU BELIEVE IN....-----

X. God/Devil: No.
X. Love: Yes.
X. The Closet Monster: Sometimes.
X. The Big Bang Theory?: Yes.
X. Heaven/Hell: No.
X. Superstitions: Some.
X. What is your full name? Severus Adrian Snape.
X. Who named you?: My father.
X. Backstreet Boys or N Sync?: Who?
X. When was the last time you showered?: Last night.
X. What was the last thing that you said online?: Something about Voltaire, I think
X. What is right next to you?: A pile of clean clothing that I haven’t put away yet.
X. What is your computer desk made of?: Some sort of wood?
X. What was the last thing that you ate?: An apple.
X. What is your favorite state?: Not sure what your asking, here. Is this an American thing?
X. Where do you want to go on your honeymoon?: I’m not really one for marriage.
X. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with?: How the hell should I know?
X. How many buddies do you have on your list: ...?
X. How's the weather right now?: Decent, if you like nice weather.
X. What did you do last night?: Had my arm broken.
X. What's the best thing that you find about the opposite sex? Scent.X. Favorite hair color in the opposite sex: Red or brown.
X. Pizza or ice cream? Ice cream.
X. How do YOU eat an Oreo? ...Like anything else.
X. When's your birthday? 1/9
X. How old will u be?: 17
X. Time done? 18:26


What time is it?: 18:26
What are you doing?: Answering a survey and listening to music.
Whats your favorite scent?: Lavender.
Do you have any animals?: A cat.
What do you want to go to college for?: I’m not.
What kind of toothpaste do you use?: Whatever I have at the time. I’m not picky.
Sports or Music?: Music.
Real or Fake?: Real.

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