~your perfect guy~
bold all that apply.
blond hair
brown hair
red hair
no hair
dark eyes
light eyes
nice smile
2 eyebrows
6 pack
white teeth
straight teeth
crooked teeth
bold all that apply:
writes poetry
writes songs
does well in school
can have a decent conversation
urges you to do well in school
knows all his multiplication tables
~When he's with you he...~
~bold all that apply~
holds the door for you
compliments you
goes out of his way to please you
listens attentivly at every word you say
sticks up for you
allows your independence
makes you feel safe
makes you feel rebelious
makes you laugh
knows exactly when to be serious, or funny
always holds your hand
always kisses you good bye
walks you to the door at the end of each date
walks you home even if it's a mile out of his way
sings for you on your birthday even though he can't sing
writes poetry about you and reads it to you on the phone at night
helps you with your homework without sounding cocky
(This is all how my hubby is to me)
~ in general he is....~
~bold all that apply~
well mannered
First(s) . Memories
Age of your first kiss?: I was 16 and at Campmeeting with a guy my brother didn't want me to hang out with
Who was your first crush.boyfriend.girlfriend?: Ronny Barlow
What is your first memory of?: playing outside with my brothers
Age you first drank?: 21
nightmare?: ...yeah this terrified me but everyone will laughand i
laugh at it now...I was in this huge dark space, and suddenly there
were these four HUGE carebears towering over me, Pink Blue, Green and
Yellow, and they were eating these icream cones....(I might have been
6). I have NO Idea why it scared me but it terrified me.
First time you got your period?: 12
First time you got an erection?: N/A
First dentist appt?: when I was really little....like 6 I think
breakup?: Uh...well technically I've never had a break up since all
those guys I was with before I met Greg...never actually asked me out
so we were never dating so I could never have broken up with them. So
I've never broken up with anyone
Your first best friend?: Amber...we were friends in Kindergarten
you remember your first Christmas?: Nope...they've all kind of mushed
together. Though I remember the first time I ever saw Santa Claus. Mind
you, we never had a Christmas tree, or Santa Claus in our home growing
up. We were at my Aunt and Uncle's house and my Uncle dressed up in his
Santa Claus suit right before we went to bed, to surprise us and bring
us a couple presents the night before Christmas. I started
screaming....scared me to death!!!!!
First word you said?: I have no idea
Sandbox or monkey bars?: Sand box
The kid playing tag or drawing?: playing tag
This or That? This
Hot chocolate or tea?: Hot Chocolate
Paris or Nikki Hilton?: Neither
Bedtime or awaketime?: Bedtime
Football or Basketball?: Basketball
early bird or wake at noon?: both
Coco-Puffs or Raisin Bran?: Raisin Bran
American eagle or PacSun?: Pac Sun
Hoodies or sweaters?: Hoodies
Sking or Snowboarding?: Skiing--only I've never been Snowboarding so I can't really say
Long hair or short?: Long
Blue or Brown eyes?: Brown
Brains or Brawns?: Brains
Reading or Writing?: Both
Watching movies or watching tv?: Both
Singing or Playing an instrument?: Playing an instrument
Pencil or pen?: Pen
Shaved or all-hair?: Shaved
Braclets or Necklaces?: Neither
Gold or Silver?: Gold
Snow or Rain?: Uh...Rain
Boys or Girls?: Boys
Blondes or Brunetts?: Brunettes
Doctors or Dentists?: Both
Eminem or Dave Matthews Band?: Neither
At the theaters or on the couch?: Both
Reality Shows or Sitcoms?: Sitcoms
Britney or Christina?: Christina
Naughty or Nice?: Nice
Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny:Neither
Thing you ate?: Pizza
Song you listened to?: "Hey Mr.DJ"
Time you cried?: Last night
Phone call you recieved?: few minutes ago from a lady from church who is becoming my friend.
IM you sent?: few seconds ago to Steph
Fight you had?: ages ago when I was at Weimar
Failing grade you got?: last year in History
Thing you smiled over?: the lady calling me
Website you viewed?: LJ
Thing you wrote on paper?: ammount in bank account
Time you slept?: last night? :)
Candy bar you ate?: psh...was a snickers probably, they're usually the only kind I eat--that or Reeses
Time you went minature golfing?: couple years ago
Thing you thought about?: when the last time I went minature golfing was
Dream you had?: I don't remember
Time you got your hair done?: few weeks ago
Time you got a hug?: when Greg left
Person you kissed?: Greg when he left
What time is it?: 7:51 pm
What are you doing?: filling out this survey
Whats your favorite scent?: mint and some awesome colognes and Greg
Do you have any animals?: No, I wish
What do you want to go to college for?: to get a degree...heeheehee
What kind of toothpaste do you use?: colgate
Sports or Music?: music
Real or Fake?: real