Entry Classes

Aug 02, 2006 00:07

Quick Links:
.entryUserinfo-usericon img
.entryHeader a, .entryHeader a:hover
.entryHeaderDate a, .entryHeaderDate a:hover
.entryMetadata ul
.entryMetadata li
.entryLinkbar ul
.entryLinkbar li
#footer-menu ul
#footer-menu li
#footer-menu a, #footer-menu a:visited


description: Container that holds the elements of the entry together (date, subject, text, icon, linkbar, etc).
location: In the body portion of the journal


description: The area around the icon
location: in the entry

.entryUserinfo-usericon img

description: The icon image
location: In the entryUserinfo
note: There is no reason to put a background image here.  You will not see it. A border is fine.


description: Text of the entry
location: in the entry holder


description: Container for the date/time and Subject line.
location: Top of entry

.entryHeader a, .entryHeader a:hover

description: Links found in the entry header
location: Entry Header
No Image


description: Entry Subject Line
location: top of entry in Entry Header


description: Entry Date line
location: top of entry in Entry Header

.entryHeaderDate a, .entryHeaderDate a:hover

description: Links in the Entry Date
location: Entry Header

No Image


description: Container for the Mood, music, tags, location
location: in the entry holder (you may choose where to put this in the customization wizard).

.entryMetadata ul

description: Unordered list that contains the words in the metadata
location: in the entry metadata

.entryMetadata li

description: Each item in the unordered list above
location: in the metadata ul


description: The bold words in the metadata
location: entry metadata


description: Container for the comments links
location: bottom of entry

.entryLinkbar ul

description: Unordered list that containes the comment links
location: bottom of entry inside the linkbar

.entryLinkbar li

description: Each item in the unordered list above
location: inside the linkbar


description: Contains the bottom navigation links
location: bottom of entries.

.header-menu ul, #footer-menu ul
description: An unordered list containing navigation links.
location: In the header and below the entries. (in red)

.header-menu li, #footer-menu li
description: An item in the unordered list above (in yellow)

#footer-menu a, #footer-menu a:visited
description: The links inside the list items in the unordered list above. (in orange)

Page |
Header |
Body |
Entries |
Sidebar |
Comment Page |
Archive/Tags Page

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