Other Pages - Archive/Tag Page

Aug 02, 2006 12:41

Quick Links
.yearlinks, .yearlink
.day-count a
.tagstable, .tagstable td

.yearlinks,  .yearlink

description: I have no idea what these are.  I'm guessing that they are part of the Archive page.
location: ???

No Image


description: Container that holds all of the elements on the calendar
location: Archive Page


description: The look of the subject line when viewing the entire month
location: Month Page


description: Days of the week on the calendar
location: Archive Page


description: Blank rows on the calendar when there are no dates.
location: Archive Page


description: The day box on the calendar
location: Archive page


description: the numbered date on the calendar
location: archive page


description: The container that holds the number of entries made on a day.
location: archive page

.day-count a

description: The links (number of entries) on the day count
location: archive page

No Image

.tagstable, .tagstable td

description:Container for the tags.
location: Tag page

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