(no subject)

Jul 11, 2007 18:08

This is a theme layer based on the Expressive style.

layerinfo "type" = "theme";

layerinfo "name" = "expressive test";

set tags_aware = true;

set text_tags = "Tags:";

set base_theme = "none";

set seventh_item = "customtext";

set customtext_body = """"






Lj Settings


  • Hogwarts Elite

  • HP RPGs

  • Fave H/D Authors/Comms

  • Graphics Comms

  • RL Stuff

    • Other Links


      set custom_css = """

      body {

      background: #E7E7A7 url(http://www.carriep63.com/livejournal/che/bg.jpg) repeat-x top center;


      #container {

      padding-top: 50px;


      #alpha, #beta {

      width: 100%;


      #alpha-inner, #beta-inner {

      margin: 0 auto;


      #alpha {

      padding-bottom: 200px;


      #alpha-inner {

      background: white;

      width: 730px !important;

      padding: 10px;


      #alpha a {

      color: #99CC00;


      #alpha a:hover {

      color: #666;


      .navigation {

      position: fixed;

      bottom: 190px;

      left: 0;

      background: #99CC00;

      padding: 5px;

      width: 100%;

      text-align: center !important;


      .navigation a {

      color: #fff;

      text-decoration: none;

      font-size: 16px;

      padding: 5px;


      .navigation a:hover {

      background: #BCE55B;


      #header .nav, #header-name, #header-description {

      display: none


      #header {

      background: url(http://www.carriep63.com/livejournal/che/header.jpg) no-repeat top center;

      height: 280px;

      width: 800px;

      margin: 0 auto;


      #header-inner, #container-inner {

      width: auto !important;


      .widget {

      display: none;


      .customtext-widget {

      display: inline;


      .boxes {

      width: 100%;

      position: fixed;

      bottom: 0px;

      left: 0;

      background: #3B2729;

      height: 190px;


      .boxes h1 {

      margin-left: 20px;

      color: white;

      font-size: 16px;

      margin-top: 20px;

      border-bottom: 1px dotted;

      margin-right: 20px;

      padding-bottom: 5px;


      .boxes div {

      float: left;

      width: 33%;


      .boxes br, .navigation br {

      display: none !important;


      .boxes ul {

      list-style-type: none;

      padding-right: 20px;


      .boxes li a {

      color: #8F6B6F;

      text-decoration: none;

      display: block;

      border-bottom: 1px dotted;

      padding: 5px;

      text-transform: uppercase;

      letter-spacing: 1px;

      font-size: 10px;


      .boxes li a:hover{



      .box-one h1{

      background: url(http://www.carriep63.com/livejournal/che/settings.jpg) no-repeat top left;



      .box-two h1{

      background: url(http://www.carriep63.com/livejournal/che/filters.jpg) no-repeat top left;



      .box-three h1{

      background: url(http://www.carriep63.com/livejournal/che/other.jpg) no-repeat top left;



      h2.asset-name a {

      color: black !important;

      font-size: 13px;

      text-transform: uppercase;


      h2.asset-name {

      border-bottom: 1px dotted;

      display: block;


      .asset-inner {

      margin-bottom: 40px;


      .currents {

      font-size: 11px;

      color: #000;

      line-height: 1.4em;


      .user-icon {

      width: 120px;

      height: 123px;

      background: url(http://www.carriep63.com/livejournal/che/userpic.jpg) no-repeat top center;

      text-align: center;

      border: 1px solid #9F9E59;

      margin: 0 10px 10px 0;


      .user-icon img {

      margin-top: 11px;


      .asset-meta-list span {

      margin: 0 !important;

      padding: 0 !important;

      color: #6F3E47;

      float: right;


      .asset-meta-list2 .item {

      display: inline;

      padding: 0 5px;


      .asset-meta-list2 {

      text-align: center;

      padding-top: 30px;


      .asset-meta-list2 a {

      text-decoration: none !important;


      .datetime {

      background: url(http://www.carriep63.com/livejournal/che/clock.jpg) no-repeat left;

      padding-left: 20px;

      margin: 0 !important;


      img[src="http://stat.livejournal.com/img/userinfo.gif"] {

      background-color: transparent;

      background-image: url(http://pics.livejournal.com/miracle511/pic/0001cg9f);

      padding: 16px 16px 0 2px;

      width: 0;

      height: 0;


      img[src="http://stat.livejournal.com/img/community.gif"] {

      background-color: transparent;

      background-image: url(http://pics.livejournal.com/miracle511/pic/0001dy8y);

      padding: 16px 16px 0 2px;

      width: 0;

      height: 0;


      img[src="http://stat.livejournal.com/img/icon_protected.gif"] {

      width: 0;

      height: 0;

      padding: 16px 16px 0px 0px;

      background: url("http://pics.livejournal.com/miracle511/pic/0001g00p");


      img[src="http://stat.livejournal.com/img/icon_private.gif"] {

      width: 0;

      height: 0;

      padding: 16px 16px 0px 0px;

      background: url("http://pics.livejournal.com/miracle511/pic/0001esx6");



      background: url(http://www.carriep63.com/livejournal/che/prev.jpg) no-repeat left;





      background: url(http://www.carriep63.com/livejournal/che/next.jpg) no-repeat right;







      .comment-date .datetime{

      padding:8px 0 8px 20px;





      border:0 !important;




      border-bottom:1px dotted;



      function Entry::print_metadata() {

      var string tags_header         = "
      "; # text for tags header,    "Current Tags"

      var string tags_joiner         = " ";            # text for tags joiner,    ":"

      var string tags_sep            = ", ";           # text for tags separator, ", "

      var bool   show_edit_tags_link = false;          # set to true if you want edit tags link as tags header

      var string currents_open       = """

      """; # html for opening of currents container

      var string currents_close      = """"""; # html for closing of currents container

      var bool   loc_after_mood      = false;               # set to true to print location after mood

      var bool   vanilla_loc         = false;               # set to true to delinkify location

      # if you need data specific to the meta to be in these strings you'll have to set those individually down further

      # one example is provided with meta_label_open

      var string meta_label_open     = "";               # html for opening of metadata label

      var string meta_label_close    = """ """; # html for closing of metadata label

      var string meta_val_open       = "";               # html for opening of metadata value

      var string meta_val_close      = """""";     # html for closing of metadata value

      var Link   edit_tags           = $this->get_link("edit_tags"); # helper var to see if remote user can edit tags

      if ((size $.metadata > 0) or ((size $.tags > 0) and ($*tags_aware))){

      if($.metadata{"mood"} == "" and $loc_after_mood) {

      # if we're printing loc after mood but we have no mood, set loc_after_mood to false

      $loc_after_mood = false;


      var string currents = "";             # make var for printing

      $currents           = $currents_open; # add opening of currents container

      if(defined $.mood_icon) {

      var Image i = $.mood_icon;

      $currents = $currents + """


      foreach var string k ($.metadata){  # step thru metadata

      var string text = $k;             # set text to key

      var string val  = $.metadata{$k}; # get val

      if ($k == "mood"){                # if mood, set text to mood property

      $text = """


      elseif ($k == "music") {          # if music, set text to music property

      $text = """

      } elseif ($k == "location") {     # if location, set text to loc variable

      $text = """

      if($vanilla_loc) {              # if vanilla loc, striphtml() it

      $val = striphtml($val);



      if(not ($k == "location" and $loc_after_mood)) {

      # if we're doing loc right now and printing loc after mood, skip it

      # if we're doing loc right now and we're not printing loc after mood, print it now

      # if we're not doing loc right now, print this piece of meta

      # in this layout, each piece of meta gets its own class

      $meta_label_open  = """

      # add the meta

      $currents = $currents + """$meta_label_open$text$meta_label_close$meta_val_open$val$meta_val_close""";


      if($k == "mood" and $loc_after_mood) {

      # if we just now did the mood and we're printing loc after mood, print the loc

      $k    = "location";           # set meta key to "location"

      $text = $*text_meta_location; # set text to loc variable

      $val  = $.metadata{$k};       # get val

      # if we have a loc, do stuff

      if($val != "") {

      # if vanilla loc, striphtml() it

      if($vanilla_loc) {

      $val = striphtml($val);


      # in this layout, each piece of meta gets its own class

      $meta_label_open  = """

      # add the meta

      $currents         = $currents + """$meta_label_open$text$meta_label_close$meta_val_open$val$meta_val_close""";




      if ((size $.tags > 0) and $*tags_aware) {

      var string k      = "tags"; # set key to "tags"

      # in this layout, each piece of meta gets its own class

      $meta_label_open  = """

      var int tcount = 0; # set counter for tags

      if($edit_tags.url != "" and $show_edit_tags_link) { # if remote user can edit tags, let's give them a link

      $tags_header = """ $tags_header""";


      # add text, open val container

      $currents = $currents + """$meta_label_open$tags_header$tags_joiner$meta_label_close$meta_val_open""";

      # build tag list

      foreach var Tag t ($.tags) {

      $currents = $currents + """ $t.name""";


      # if we haven't hit the last tag, add a separator

      if ($tcount != size $.tags) { $currents = $currents + $tags_sep; }


      # close val container

      $currents = $currents + $meta_val_close;


      if(defined $.mood_icon) {

      $currents = $currents + """""";


      # close currents container

      $currents = $currents + $currents_close;

      # print currents

      println "$currents";



      function CommentInfo::print_postlink() {

      var Page p = get_page();

      if ($.maxcomments) {


      } else {




      function CommentInfo::print_readlink {

      var Page p = get_page();

      """ $.count


      function Entry::print_linkbar() {

      var Link link;

      var string url = "";

      var string text = "";

      print """

      print """


        var string{} link_caption = {

        "edit_entry" => """

        "edit_tags" => """

        "mem_add" => """

        "watch_comments" => """

        "unwatch_comments" => """

        "tell_friend" => """


        foreach var string link_key ($.link_keyseq) {

        $link = $this->get_link($link_key);

        if (defined $link) {

        $url = $link.url;

        $text = $link_caption{$link_key} != "" ? $link_caption{$link_key} : $link.caption;

        print safe """
      • $text
      • """;



        print """

      • """;

        println "\n


ignore this

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