Man.. I am -way- too awake and hyper for as early as I got up and stuff. XD
I'm scaring Runie too! Buahaha!
I'm also over on Videoland as Shadow and being a complete and total idiot messing around in the OOC areas. Gods I love the fun I have over there. It's so hilarous!
You must read! I command it!
Tron Bonne has arrived.
Shadow the Hedgehog guahahas! "I am back!"
Tron Bonne waves to all ...
Shadow the Hedgehog waves to Ms. Bonne. n.n v
Q-Bee smirks.
(Public) The High King Jair says, "Are you fearing General Weeman yet HOLY PIE IT'S SHADOW! :O"
(Public) I'm in a silly Sprite Comic! Shadow the Hedgehog ahahahahahas! Yes! Fear me! I am Back!
(Public) Chibi Netbattler Mayl says, "Hi."
Q-Bee also waves to the newcomers. She grrrs, and then chitters; summoning 11 moer soul bees, the horde picking up the pace, "Don't let him get away!"
(Public) I'm in a silly Sprite Comic! Shadow the Hedgehog says, "Ph34r m3!! My net is stable again!"
(Public) I'm in a silly Sprite Comic! Shadow the Hedgehog says, "Okay... enough of that. >.> How is, all?"
X flashes his armor to that of Chill Penguin, stopping only to shoot it at them to catch them all in a block of ice before running again. o.@
(Public) X is angsty!
(Public) Chibi Lego Queen Tron Bonne says, "Great. Now Sonic's got /two/ rivals hanging around ..."
(Public) I'm in a silly Sprite Comic! Shadow the Hedgehog says, "Aw, c'mon. I'm the only one that really counts. Y'know, being the Ultimate Being (tm) and all. ;)"
Q-Bee and her horde are frozen and clunk to the ground. 'x.x'
(Public) Chibi Lego Queen Tron Bonne says, "...whatever."
X nods, "Success!" n.nV
Shadow the Hedgehog hmmms... Beecicles! =9
Tron Bonne says, "Wow ... best word I've heard in a while. Beecicles!"
(Public) The High King Jair runs over Shadow in a jeep.
(Public) The High King Jair says, "I bet General Weeman could beat you, Shadow!"
Guest2 uses his guest powers to smack X, "You fool just use your own wasps you get from Blast Hornet and then use Chill penguin's power to get away as fast as posible.
Tron Bonne says, "It's his weapons. He can do with them what he wants."
(Public) I'm in a silly Sprite Comic! Shadow the Hedgehog twitches. @.o *shakeshake* As if! I am the ultimate!
Liza says, "X is too busy using the Hard Blaster."
X glares at G2 for the slap, turning to him, "GIGA SMASH!" He then performs the Giga Smash on G2...
Tron Bonne says, "What an eccentric performance."
Guest2 dodges using his soon to be ninja powers.
Shadow the Hedgehog didn't think X yelled out what he was gonna do...
X looks to Shadow, and doesn't announce the Nova Strike then.
Tron Bonne strikes somebody with her weak trivial healing stun smash attack!
Q-Bee is smashed free of her ice prison.
Q-Bee STORMS after X!
Guest2 is hit by the Nova Strike, "Ow."
Tron Bonne says, "I didn't do it!"
Shadow the Hedgehog thinks about this for a moment. "Of course, by all rights I'm not one to talk seeing as how I shout Chaos Control.. but then.. I'm allowed since I -am- the Ultimate Being (tm). n.n v
X says, "Nutbunnies." He then runs!
X says, "Yeah, that's why you bit it in that game, isn't it, Shadow?"
Shadow the Hedgehog laughs his tail off at the thought of X being chased by bees screaming like a little girl. XD XD XD
Q-Bee stretches her arms, reaching for X's helmet. '=_=' Juuust a little closer.
X still knows that Shadow dies like a little pansy in his game, then sticks his head forward, "No head stingy!"
Shadow the Hedgehog glares at X and grabs him as he rushes by. "Eat bees, Rockboi." =.=
Tron Bonne stomps on Shadow using the Gustav.
Q-Bee *swipes* and misses. "Shoot!" she cries, holds out her hands
Q-Bee fires a huge glob of honey at X. '~_~'
X goes *teleport* again to another area in the room. Much better than Chaos Control. He then tries to dodge the honey! And gets hit anywho. x.x
Shadow the Hedgehog looks rather flat.. and is teleported with X since he was hangin' onta him. *blorp* @.o
Shadow the Hedgehog pops himself back into shape and grrrs. He uses his stolen Piko Piko to remove one of the Gustav's limbs.
X must go! He have class!
X has disconnected.
Q-Bee awws.
Tron Bonne punches Shadow across the room using the other. Then she realizes it's the gun-arm she just punched him with, and fires a fireball at him.
Shadow the Hedgehog smears against the wall. Ow. @.o And is promptly fried. *cough* o.* He shakes it off very toonishly. "Okay.. no more Mr. Nice Guy to the lady with the mech... =.=
Tron Bonne twinkescapes!
Tron Bonne heads IC.
Tron Bonne has left.
Q-Bee licks her lips, "Mnn, fried honey-coated hedgehog." '*_*'
Shadow the Hedgehog blinks... and blinks.. and IEEEEEEES! O.o
(Public) I'm in a silly Sprite Comic! Shadow the Hedgehog says, "Dang you, Ms. Bonne! Dang you! *runs from hungry bees*"
(Public) Chibi Lego Queen Tron Bonne ^_^
Q-Bee chases Shadow, "Come to me! I want to see if you're delicous!"
Thanatos has connected.
Shadow the Hedgehog aiiieeeeees! and uses Thanatos as a sheild. "Bees! Bees! Hungry bees! *little girl scream* o.O;
Q-Bee laughs at the mental image.
(Public) I'm in a silly Sprite Comic! Shadow the Hedgehog has to laugh his @$$ off at the goings on. "Y'know.. I really aught to like.. draw pictures of these things.. or do a sprite comic of them.. this is hilarious. XD
Guest2 says, "I still say X should have used his own wasps to counter Q-Bee's bees."
Thanatos captures the bees, reeducates them in find mathematics and the distrubits them throughout the world as teachers.
Q-Bee doesn't think she would have been effected.
Shadow the Hedgehog worships Thanatos. "My hero! *eyeflutter* ...... Okay.. that scared even me. *shoots his player into orbit* =.=
Q-Bee suddenly finds herself teaching 'Geometry Made More Difficult' to colledge students. 'o.x';
Q-Bee luckily isn't in english.
Shadow the Hedgehog is horrified to find out Q-Bee is his new prof. o.o;
Q-Bee laughs!
Q-Bee says, "Shadow, if you could please come to the front of the class.. *mouthwater*"
Shadow the Hedgehog screams like a little girl and flees! o.@
Guest2 says, "You'll probably get expelled for that you know."
Shadow the Hedgehog stops... o.o
Thanatos says, "Now go and get eaten by your teacher like a good student."
Q-Bee takes out the 'pink slip' threateningly. X)
Shadow the Hedgehog hangs his head and goes to the front of the class. "Damnit.. if I get kicked out Daddy Eggman'll kill me...
Morrigan Aensland has arrived.
Q-Bee says, "Ok, pop quiz! Shadow, if you get this right, you won't get any homeword tonight. If wrong, you're joining me for lunch."
Shadow the Hedgehog looks hopeful! No homework and no death by mandibles!
Q-Bee says, "Explain mathematicly the quantum theory of the earths revolution about the sun. Here's a hint: 34Q + Y? (3/98^34*Revolution) OrbitQ9823/Earth +345=?""
Q-Bee wavies to Morrigan. 'n.n'
Guest2 pats Shadow on the back, "Enjoy lunch."
Shadow the Hedgehog blinks.. and blinks again. O.O; He sits down and starts to sob like a baby, holding up two bottles. "Would you like ketchup or A1 sauce with your fried honey-coated bishie hedgie.... ;.;"
Q-Bee heee's, "I would like A1 plea- HEY!" 'o.o' ".. Come back with my student!"
Shadow the Hedgehog is stolen by Morrigan and finds himself crushed into succubus cleavage. *.* "I could die happy...." XD
Morrigan Aensland says, "Death by Succubust."
Shadow the Hedgehog facefaults at the pun, but watches his player die laughing her @$$ off.
So funny! Today's been good though. Having lots of fun so far, and I'm way too over caffinated and I entered Psyguy's contest and I had fun making the picture.
Go look! It's on Tripod cause I can't post it on VCL cause it's got Sega canons in it and I can't post to FurNation cause it'd dead, so if you wanna see you'll have to copy and paste because Tripod is a poohead.
There! Look! And love! Guaha!
Okay.. okay.. at least look?
I'm gonna go get more coffee! XD