I am so lazy about posting these days.
Well my baby girl will be 2 on Saturday! She is no baby anymore. I will need to have another baby now! April is so grown up, cute, sweet and full of fun. So what can she do?
Her communication is superb. Way beyond that which a 2 year old is meant to do. She copies everything but obviously doesn't understand all that she says, though does get most stuff in context.
She can construct sentences of several words, probably about a dozen. She uses joining words. An example of a conversation:
ME- April, where did you put your cardigan?
April- It's over there on my chair Mummy.
Me- Good morning my wee love
April - Good morning Mummy, where's Daddy?
Me- He's gone to work
April - Daddy gone to work with Eric, will be back soon, okay?
Get the picture. I suppose, like most parents, I'm very proud of her accomplishments, especially her speech.
She is such a mimic, we have to be so careful what we say cos she repeats it all. Yesterday my sister and I were discussing quietly when she would take April swimming, April pipes up " I want to go swimming now, I want to splash splash and go down the slide". It is so useful as well cos she is able to communicate what she wants or needs, on the other hand this can be quite trying. Her latest is "I"m not well Mummy" if she wants immediate attention.
She will lie in her cot for ages before and after sleeps singing nursery rhymes. Her favourite is "sing a song of sixpence".
April runs very fast, why I'm not a skinny malink, I don't know. I guess I eat too much.
She will get into her car seat herself.
She is confident going down slides and on roundabouts.
I suppose like most toddlers it is variable, some days she will eat whatever and other days she will only eat toast, yogurt and strawberries. I try to go with the flow and not get too uptight about. She doesn't like chocolate that much and hates sweets. Her main vice are crisps. And her favourite biscuits are oatcakes. She doesn't like veggies that much apart from the usual kids' favourite like peas and sweetcorn.
She would eat Tomato ketchup with everything if I let her.
She loves fruit, especially the expensive ones!!! Like blueberries, raspberries and strawberries.
She will drink milk, water or diluted fruit juice, mainly out of a lidded cup still. If she is in her high chair and in good form I will give her a lid less beaker.
I am spoilt rotten in this regard. She sleeps 11-12 hours a night and 2 - 2 1/2 hours during the day. She goes to bed at 7-7.15 and sleeps usually till 7 am but lies and talks for 20-30 minutes.
April is great fun and has a highly developed sense of humour. Her method of avoiding confrontation or getting into trouble is to try and make laugh or if that doesn't work, to get anyone else in the room to laugh to distract me. She just loves laughing and making people laugh. This is both a Speirs and Kirk trait, especially of my dad and Fraser's mum.
She loves people but too many at once. She is not keen on animals especially cows and goats. Well that's what she told me yesterday -"Mummy I not like goats or cows, too noisy for me".
She is very polite and doesn't need much prompting to say "please" and "thank you".
April can be very affectionate but this sometimes can become over-affectionate.
April loves being outside, running, sliding, in her sand pit, just being outside.
She loves books and will "read" the pictures.
She will play for ages with her doll and all the "stuff" to go with the doll. She will also use her imagination when playing with her little people sweet sounds house. This is quite cute, especially when she closes her eyes and says "amens" with the baby before putting it too bed.
Her best pals are Kathryn and Ben. She adores them both.
She pretends alot, using the wierdest things. I have these 2 wooden carved ducks at the top of the stairs and she will "mummy" them for ages. Feeding and putting them to bed. Anything square or rectangled is a phone or camera.
She can count 1- 14.
The colours she knows are pink, blue and orange. She knows the other names but doesn't consistently identify them but hey she is not quite 2 yet!
She is still in nappies. I'm going to cold turkey potty train after Fraser and i get back from Switzerland.
Okay, I won't bore you any more.
fraserspeirs feel free to add your opinion.