I think a good way to pimp Xenosaga out is via the game's trailers, which are simply amazing, as well as a few really good MVs and fan trailers (some better than the normal trailers, even!) and some hilarious parody videos.
Fan Trailer (1)And a fan trailer for Episode III gets the first link because it is the most amazing thing ever. I still get chills watching this. ;o;!
Believe... yeah so self-plugging I totally made an MV to a SEED OP.
Xenosaga II Promotional TrailerMy favorite trailer.
Xenosaga II Promotional Trailer (2)Also very awesome. And subbed.
In This SerenityThe anime's ending which I absolutely LOVE TO DEATH. Watch it srsly.
Xenosaga III Promotional Trailer (3)Awesome musiiiic.
Xenosaga III Promotional Trailer (2) Xenosaga III Promotional TrailerKicks it up for the second half of the trailer.
Xenosaga I Promotional TrailerIyan~.
Faux Pas 1Best
Faux Pas 2Thing
Faux Pas 3EVER. Watch these.
Faux Pas 4Mmmwhat'chasaaaaaaay.
Can You Hear Me?URTV AMV! It's pretty okay.
Denji Sentai XenorangerJapanese Power Rangers OP to Xenosaga stuff. THIS IS SO AWESOME. I love Xeno fans sometimes.
Penis GnosisThe best monsters in the game.