application take two

Jan 04, 2011 21:46

Appliation's been revised some.

Player Information:
Name: Merry
Journal: agincourt
Method of Contact: forsaken crowns (aim), popsicle (plurk), lj pm
Previous characters: N/A...unless you count Elliot part one.

Character Information:
Full Name: Elliot March
Series: Heart no Kuni no Alice
Canon point: Chapter 30, after the tea party with Alice.
Age: 23~26
Species: Hare, sorta.
Appearance/PB: here. He is very, very tall (6'4"~6'6")
Appearance upon arrival: The same.

Previous RP memories: Would it be alright if he kept his previous Splendor memories? i.e. being stuck in a dress and kidnapped with other dudes in dresses by dudes in dresses...
Bringing someone along?: Nope.
Character History: Series | Elliot

A further summary of Elliot himself:
Aside from knowing that Elliot was a prisoner at some point, very little is known about his past. Most of the citizens of Heart Country aren't even important unless(or until, in Elliot's case) they hold a “Role”. Elliot was thrown into prison for smashing the clocks (which are what the natives of Heart Country have in place of a heart) of his friends, so they could not be reborn. All clocks are fixed and restarted and reborn as a completely different person, so what Elliot did is considered a grave crime.

He was rescued by Blood and thus pledged to work for him in the mafia, becoming his right hand man. Blood promised Elliot that when he died, he would smash his clock in return. From there, they worked together and lived in the mansion together with the twins Dee and Dum, who annoy Elliot on a constant basis. They often have teaparties (whenever they feel like it), in which Elliot does most (or maybe all) of the cooking. He always makes carrot dishes, much to Blood's dismay.

When Alice arrives, he doesn't really think anything of her. In fact, he threatens to kill her, but Blood stops him. The next time she arrives, he still doesn't think much of her at first, but doesn't try to kill her. Then he slowly begins to develop “feelings” for her, as she is an outsider and outsiders are beloved by them. Soon he finds himself always thinking of Alice and he tells her that he loves her. Eventually it's as if he never threatened her at all, as he even shows concern for her when she's crying and has a moment of imagining what bathing with her would be like (he in turn gets called a pervert). There is a ball coming up which all role holders are required to attend. He of course would like a bit of Alice time just like pretty much all the rest of the role holders will (including the Queen of Hearts), but sadly Alice spends most of the time with Peter and Blood (TYPICAL). Later, she joins the Mafia for a tea party, where she and Blood seemed to have made up. They then proceed to try and explain but it mostly just confuses Elliot. Alas.

Elliot March is a strange character, which is saying something coming from Heart Country. Alice's first impression of him is that he's serious and would think nothing about killing someone. Later on, she decides that he's actually quite a "cute" person, which is actually a somewhat accurate description of him. Elliot is kind of a coin flip as far as his personality goes, but his motives are much more solid.

He has a terribly bad temper, usually accredited to his being a hare, and was said to be a bad guy who was "quick to shoot his gun" until he began to hang out with the mafia (as ironic as that sounds). Then he became only mildly bad because he "thinks 30 seconds before firing", and believes that he's doing a good job of bettering himself. Small things can trigger Elliot off (literally and metaphorically). Pointless things, even. The most notorious of these being that he insists he is not a rabbit. He says he can't possibly be a rabbit because rabbits eat carrots and he dislikes carrots. However, he loves carrot dishes and only makes food with carrots in it, thus rendering his argument kind of pointless. Being compared to Peter White is something that also makes him angry (the feeling seems to be mutual). It can't be really be said that Elliot is a good person. He likes blood and shows no remorse for killing others, and can be rude and snappish at people. But he's not necessarily a bad person either. Alice finds this is the case with all of the mafia members, which she finds peculiar. But people in "Wonderland" don't have morals (and Elliot recognizes this after meeting Alice, whereas other characters don't always seem to get it).

The Hatter Family, and sometimes other characters, often refer to Elliot as an idiot or make fun of his "hare brain". He may not be the brightest crayon in the box, this is true, but he has some advantage over the more naive role holders. Many of Heart Country's residents do not understand the value of other people, but Elliot seems to be different in that. He is a former prisoner, who had been thrown there for carrying out a good friend's dying wish (which was to crush his "clock" so he couldn't be reborn again). Later on, he was saved by Blood Dupre, and became extremely loyal to him. By joining the mafia and becoming the right hand man of the Hatter Family, he serves Blood in thanks for saving him. He also had Blood promise to smash his own clock should he die, and feels that he owes his allegiance to the boss because of that. He may not think when he's pulling out the pistol, but he often shows more "heart" over "clock" when it comes to people he likes. He doesn't like the idea of being reborn again and again, and blames the one who fixes the clocks, so he has quite a grudge on Julius ("Time").

One emotion he, like the others, probably does not understand that well is romantic-love. When Alice arrives, he threatens to kill her. But outsiders are beloved by the people of their world. The next time she shows up, he's nice to her and invites her to the mansion. Slowly, he gets more and more attached to Alice. When she expresses that she likes him more than Peter, Elliot decides that he loves her. After that, he seems to always be thinking about Alice. But he claims he would never do anything to Alice that she wouldn't want (like bathe with her). He shows concern for her when she's crying and is shown to be a bit upset when Blood won't even talk about it. Like the other men in the series, he can also get quite defensive when someone else talks too much about being with Alice. He would like to make Alice happy and be around her, but is it part of the game, or does he really feel that way...? Elliot isn't particularly shy, since he does have some perverted thoughts, but he is also fairly innocent at the same time. How does that work? No idea, it just does.

The Rules of the Game generally take precedence over everything else in Heart Country. As he holds the role of the March Hare, he must do as is expected. Elliot has no trouble filling his role thanks to his relationship with Blood. He gets to stay at the Hatter's right hand, have tea parties with his beloved carrot dishes, and "negotiate" territory (which often ends up in riding the amusement park rides -- or getting into gun fights, both of which he enjoys). All the paperwork he has to do seems to be of small consequence when compared to the rest.

Character Abilities: Elliot is a very good shot with a pistol (or presumably any firearm), and can... possibly turn himself completely into a hare, but we never see this.
Possessions: Pistol.
Anything else: I don't think so

*application, *ooc

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