haha thanx 4 cOmment|n lOl*....yeah |'m glad |t wRrkEd oUt*! =)......bUt |'m really sUrPr|sed she d|d apolig|ze.....she wUs l|ke u really knO hOw tA pAss mEan lOokz dOn't yA and i wus l|ke u damn r|ght b|tch lOL*...bUt evrythnng |s kOol nOw*! tHanx 4 cOmmenT|n*!
SHEW UR CRAZY U SHOULDNT DELETE YOUR JOURNAL...GOSH LOL...THA REASON I DONT EVER COMMENT IS CAUSE........U NEVER COMMENT ON MINE!!.......well i guess i better go and ill comment again sometime..and u better comment on mine too!!!!
Re: uR a bItcH!?carrotgrrl_3408January 27 2005, 13:10:57 UTC
hey gRrl u dAmn r|ght tHey alwaez b lOok|n creat|ve...wEll gRrl | gOtta g|ve it 2 yA tha wus genuinely h|larious*...|'m nOt gOnnA dElEte |t nOw | gOt mOre tHeN 2 cOmmentz sOo...| gUess sUm ppL read |t lOl*!....wEll | bEttEr gO | lUv yA lOtz...aNd | hOpe u aNd sCOtty get mArr|ed sO | can b n ur wedd|n lOl* bYe hUnne|gh
| wOn't delete |t l|ke | tOld ka|ley n the replY 2 hEr cOmment*!....hUnnE|gh i'm sOo srrY bOut ur pAPaw...maYb he'll b oK*...jUs mAyb*...dOn't cry |'ll cRy....and evrybody who is readin my ell-jaY*..... PRAY 4 SURRAH AND HER PAPPAW | DON'T KARE IF U DO KNO HER IF U DON'T I'LL BUST A CAP N UR ASS.... aLr|te....| told them lOL*....evEn thO they're nOt afra|d oF me bUst|n a cAp n the|r ass | thNnk they'll st|ll pray 4 u cUz they're sweet|ez...*r|ght guyz*?! lOl* oK oK* well hUn i bEttEr go*! lUbz yew sOo mUch*! and |f u nEed nethnng tell mE cUz u have reaLly takeN kaRe oF mE th|s wEek =0 lUbz yew bUh-bYe hUnn*!
Comments 9
haha thanx 4 cOmment|n lOl*....yeah |'m glad |t wRrkEd oUt*! =)......bUt |'m really sUrPr|sed she d|d apolig|ze.....she wUs l|ke u really knO hOw tA pAss mEan lOokz dOn't yA and i wus l|ke u damn r|ght b|tch lOL*...bUt evrythnng |s kOol nOw*! tHanx 4 cOmmenT|n*!
Jordan aka Cadillac
I <3 scoTtY
hey gRrl u dAmn r|ght tHey alwaez b lOok|n creat|ve...wEll gRrl | gOtta g|ve it 2 yA tha wus genuinely h|larious*...|'m nOt gOnnA dElEte |t nOw | gOt mOre tHeN 2 cOmmentz sOo...| gUess sUm ppL read |t lOl*!....wEll | bEttEr gO | lUv yA lOtz...aNd | hOpe u aNd sCOtty get mArr|ed sO | can b n ur wedd|n lOl* bYe hUnne|gh
<3 -mAnDeR-
PRAY 4 SURRAH AND HER PAPPAW | DON'T KARE IF U DO KNO HER IF U DON'T I'LL BUST A CAP N UR ASS.... aLr|te....| told them lOL*....evEn thO they're nOt afra|d oF me bUst|n a cAp n the|r ass | thNnk they'll st|ll pray 4 u cUz they're sweet|ez...*r|ght guyz*?! lOl* oK oK* well hUn i bEttEr go*! lUbz yew sOo mUch*! and |f u nEed nethnng tell mE cUz u have reaLly takeN kaRe oF mE th|s wEek =0 lUbz yew bUh-bYe hUnn*!
<3 -mAnDeR-
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