Kelly and I are friends..
I finished my midterm, but I was an hour and half late for class.. Full credit though, because she loves me. :)
Sammy's coming down tonight, and I'm excited...
Actually, I have like 4 different plans for tonight so I dont know what's going to happen, really...
Here's a survey for your viewing pleasure.
Have you ever..]
Smoked Pot? yes
Kissed Someone? yes
Did a Cartwheel? at cheergym...
Had a pedicure? <3 Pedicures!
Played tennis? yeah, I'm not that good.
Swam in a thunderstorm? many times
Surfed? body surfed....
Drank strawberry milk? not a fan of milk so much.
Been to California? no
Been to Flordia? yes
Been out of the country? Canada.
Played strip poker? I didnt know how to play poker.. we played strip blackjack..
Played regular poker? tried to...
Climbed a tree? fun times
Broken an arm? a finger..
Broke a mirror? being an interior designer, I have weird ideas sometimes, and tried to hang a bunch of square mirrors on my wall.. 2 were broken in the process
Punched someone? I try.. It doesnt hurt.
Ate Paper? been there..
Failed a test? ha
Skipped school? High school wasnt my cup of tea...... yeah I did.
Been out to dinner without your parents? mostly without my parents.
Driven without a license? no, I'm actually good with that.. When I lose it, I lose it.
Stolen something over 300? no
Been pregnant? no..
Been to Walt Disney World? yes :)
Watched porn? I cant say I havent
Listened to nysnc? Nsync vs. Bsb... I was an Nsync girl..
Been to six Flags? two of them
Watched MTV Video Clash? probably
-Current Clothes: bathrobe and towelhead
- Current Mood: clean
- Current Music: I have that "dont you wish" song stuck in my head
- Current Taste: I made an egg sandwich an hour ago.
- Current Make-up: I dont think I'll wear makeup tonight
- Current Hair: in a towel
- Current Smell: shampoo
- Current thing I ought to be doing: getting ready to go out
- Current Desktop Picture: green retro
- Current Favorite Artist: O'Keefe<3 I copied something of hers at the Currier yesterday.. I'm going to use it for my final.
- Current Favorite Group: BLS... Yeah, no one said it had to be a music group
- Current Book: mmmm Cosmopolitan......
- Current CD in CD Player: French Affair
- rent tape in VCR: dvd? West side story
-Color Of Toenails: au natural
- Current Worry: my plans for tonight not falling through because I'm late getting ready, and procrasinating