b a s i c s s s s s s s:
name-jeni french
sex- girl
siblings- 3 sisters 1 brother
favorite color- turquoise
religion- none
f r i e n n d d s s s
best friend-brooke
3 people you can tell anything to- kortni, brooke, mariana
you get in the most fights with- dane =]
friends you get along with most-paige and brooke
friend who always sticks up for you- kortni
you laugh the most with- kortni and brooke
best guy friend- austin
best girlfriend [besides the bestfriend you already put down]- kortni
friend that hits on you the most- BECCA =] hahaah
l o v e l i f e e
do you believe in love- yes
do you believe in romance- yes
are you in love- no
have you ever been- at one point yes
have you ever gotten dumped- yeep
have you ever dumped someone else- yeep
have you ever broken someones heart- not that i know of
have you ever gotten yur heart broken- yeep
do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend right now- SCOTT? aahasdauifhsadiufahahahahah
do you wish you could take back somthing you did or didn't do- uhh yeah.
if so, what is it?- telling someone how i feel before they moved 3294823948 miles away
do you like someone right now?- eh. i dono
longest relationship- uhh.. i think it was like 4-5 months ?
r i g h t n o w w w
what are you wearing- camo shirt and jeans
what are you listing to- death cab for cutie
whats the place you want to be more than anything right now- coney island
who do you want to be with right now- anyone
who do you miss more than anyone in the world- dane and my little brother
what are you doing in 10 min- school shopping with my mom hah
what time is it-11:08