Title: Nevermore, Forever
Fandom: Sailormoon
Pairings: Endymion/Selenity (Darien/Serena) hinted.
Words: 100
Rating: G
Author Note: Japanese names/places used. Shouldn't be difficult to tell who's who, though.
Majestic sapphires swept across emerald isles, the beautiful crystalline tower in the distance acting as a guide for the wind fussing over golden hair, streamer-like, and ruffling silk-white.
Queen Selenity had taken a lot of falls on her ascend as protector of Crystal Tokyo. Princess Selenity, Usagi, and the future Eternal Cosmos told a story within mirrors, each displaying a different scar for every battle won and lost.
She felt a hand on her shoulder. With saddened eyes, she turned to her beloved. Prayers intermixed with sins continued to conjur, leaving dreams open to scath her skin yet again.