hold the S because i am an AINT

Jul 09, 2005 00:50

woo woo! I start working tomorrow! I have orientation in byscane...with a hurricane coming...wonderful. some people are so smart, i wonder how i'll ever live up to their standards.

Then I have training from 5 till 9. woo woo. raking in the minimum wage dough...yeah

Went shopping with cassie Cassie went shopping cause shes the one with money. Got ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

sketchedstars July 10 2005, 02:02:26 UTC
i looove joo!!


lookingforward July 12 2005, 19:44:50 UTC
hey haven't spoken to you in ages how are you?


carve_me_a_star July 12 2005, 22:57:59 UTC
Good, good. Working and going to school and sorority stuff and a boyfriend. Kinda busy but loving every mintue of it. :)

How are things with you?


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