You know how opinons are like assholes and everyone's got one?
Despite the fact that I'm quite fluent in Idiotspeak and have successfully translated conversations between Idiots and Rationals before, there are times when my mind is boggled.
There are at least two people in my office who think (and worse, have said aloud) that they don't believe
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Comments 7
The only concern I personally have with kids still in development stages going vegetarian or vegan is that too often people do not know how to cook/combine foods so that the child still gets the proper combination to create the complete proteins the body needs. Yes, there are a few complete non-meat proteins, but too much soy, for example, can actually do more harm than good, as it affects estrogen production.
So long as she does the research as to what she needs to be eating for a balanced diet, and has someone adult to help her with that, then I say more power to her.
Which reminds me...did you ever try that veggie curry recipe out?
It's a pain in the butt trying new things with her, because she is still a kid, which means she still has the kid's POV when it comes to new, "weird" looking food.
It's not the food, it's that you're allowing a nine year old to make a life choice. And that terifies them. They don't have trust in kids to make life choices at 20 (google "heliocopter parent" and be floored)
I cannot comprehend the mindset of those kinds of people. I've tried, and it baffles me.
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